(ThySistas.com) I have been wearing my hair natural (chemical free) for over 16 years and I have had a variety of hairstyles ranging from dreadlocs to micro braids, all the way over to afros and cornrows. While all these styles are gorgeous, provided you or your stylist has a touch of ...

(ThySistas.com) The holiday season can be a very magical time of year, and it is marked with the spirit of giving. However, if one is not careful you will find yourself unable to function shorty after the holiday. This is the time of year where we find ourselves overspending, and suffering ...

(ThySistas.com) Petty has gone from the playground to the home. Its unfortunate that too many sisters, and brothers but are focusing on us for a moment, have allowed social media and Reality TV to tell them petty is the way to be. It to the point that we glorify, and brag, ...

(ThySistas.com) Less than 20 days ago on Thursday, November 30th, ten year old Ashawnty Davis was found hanging inside her closest after learning a video of first fight went viral on Musical.ly. Bullycide is when suicide can be attributed to the victim being bullied in person or on social media. Ashawnty ...

(ThySistas.com) As people, we live in societies where we supposedly work towards ensuring that everyone is treated equally. The democratic systems that we operate in ensure that the will of the majority is always favoured. Now, democracy is brilliant. But it also assumes that the majority of people are fair, empathetic, ...

(ThySistas.com) Holiday season is a wonderful time of year. It brings out the best in some people as we embrace a time of family, and giving. It is a season that embodies joy. Many can’t see Thanksgiving clearly for trying to get to the spirit of the Christmas/New Year holiday season. ...

(ThySistas.com) First things first nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream! Meaning just because you have this dream and it seems perfect when you think about it in your head, it will not be easy executing. The first thing to do when building your brand is to make sure you ...

(ThySistas.com) Life is something. There are so many aspects to it that often times I wonder if I’m doing things right. Not that there is a right way to do life; there is, however, a healthy way to approach your choices and what you do. You cannot control what happens to you, well, ...

(ThySistas.com) If there is one thing that I have found to be true is this- relationships are hard work. Whether you are in a marriage or in a long-term committed one, there’s no magic to having a happy home. It really comes down to two people being willing to put in ...

(ThySistas.com) Going to the gym on a consistent basis can be a challenging task for many. As many of us prepare to go we are looking for reasons to stay in the bed, or work on another task. The truth is working out is a necessity, but it can take awhile ...