Friday, July 26, 2024

Remember Your Sisters this Season.

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( Holiday season is a wonderful time of year. It brings out the best in some people as we embrace a time of family, and giving. It is a season that embodies joy. Many can’t see Thanksgiving clearly for trying to get to the spirit of the Christmas/New Year holiday season. Though the time makes us want to put up joyous fun decorations, and pull out some of the best holiday music known to man…remember this is not the reality for everyone. The staunch parallel is many are facing financial adversity, family strife, and the loss of loved ones. For just as many people this time of year invokes some of the most painful emotions they experience all year. Many will be facing this holiday without the people in their life that made it worth celebrating. As a community we must remember to check on our sisters and keep them close to us.

It is very easy to get caught up into what this season means to “me”, and forget about the collective us. The truth is if we were wearing the shoes of adversity during this season we would hope we are remembered. Unfortunately, one day everyone will face the holiday season without someone that is dear to them, and you want to sow the love and care while you can. Sending sisters in your life something as a card in the mail my make their day. Contacting sisters in your circle to let them know you are thinking about them could mean everything to someone feeling utterly alone.

For the most part we know who, in our sister circles, have experienced loss and hardship. It may be important to know it may not be wise to call our sisters in pain and throw our good fortune in their face. It’s important to be able to share, but doing to with compassion is important. If they have lost family it may be beneficial to remind them they still have family, and they aren’t alone. As women we must band together to keep our sisters encouraged when they are fighting to get through this season in one piece.

Its unfortunate that some can go out and shout that our people need to unify, and work towards betterment and change. Yet, we’d sit back and allow those closest to us to drown in the waters pain and suffering at “the most wonderful time of the year.” Many were raised hearing that charity begins at home, and we must remember our sisters when they need us most. This holiday is about more than gifts, decorations, food, and music…its about family. It’s about uplifting one another, and spreading a love that reaches deep into the hearts of all we love, and hold dear.

As I approach my first holiday season without my father I am so grateful for the women in my life that I call sister. They have been by my side through the nightmare I’ve been living that has been the loss of my father. They remind me of myself, my family, and the fact that my dad would want me to be happy. Without these women there is no telling what state I’d be in. You can make a difference to the women in your circle that are hurting this season.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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