Friday, July 26, 2024

How to Build Your Own Brand.

December 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Money, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( First things first nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream! Meaning just because you have this dream and it seems perfect when you think about it in your head, it will not be easy executing. The first thing to do when building your brand is to make sure you are very serious about it, you do not want to have your name involved in anything that is not your best, and make sure you get things done. Make sure when starting out that you build relationships with clients as well as potential clients.

Also, marketing is very important when it comes to your brand, social media is going to be your best friend when starting your business. There is nothing better than free exposure, trust me networking and learning how to communicate effectively is very important. Understanding that it is not easy to build loyal clientele, or to even maintain a business itself, there will be days when you think to yourself is this really what I want to do?

I totally can say though, if it is something that you are truly passionate about then your creativity will flow much easier than if it were forced. I started my own business about 3 years ago now and I’m still not where I want to be financially.

It takes a great deal of time and patience to watch your brand grow and expand. Things do not always happen when we want but one thing about it if something is meant for you then its meant and nothing can change that. It’s important to also remember you need to have money to make money, this is very true. When starting a business, you should plan to purchase supplies that you may need as well as business cards which are the key to success. When you have something solid that you can hand people with your information on it and information about your business it makes it that much easier for them to have faith in you.

One thing with using social media is its great for posting pictures of your work open for the public to see. The more people that see it the more potential clientele you have brought forth for yourself. I support entrepreneurship so much, yet I know that it is indeed not for everyone, its more for us independent individuals who want to build our own empire instead of helping someone build their own.

Staff Writer; Myra Moore

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