(ThySistas.com) When my male friends come to hang out, and they decide to unburden their woman problems, they wanted me to give them a non-bias opinion of why they are so unhappy. They just don’t understand why their woman, and sometimes child’s mother, doesn’t see them for who they are. Why ...

(ThySistas.com) There is much that goes into preparing for the summer. We make adjustments to the hair routine, spend more time in the gym, make sure the pedicure game is on point, and the sundresses are in high demand. Granted for some of us the hygiene regimen is the same year-round, ...

(ThySistas.com) There is entirely too much going on in the world. We are constantly plugged in to something, and the consistency of this affects us more than we realize. Some of us can’t sleep at night so social media keeps us company in the insomnia. Other are angry at the significant ...

(ThySistas.com) While visiting a friend in Houston I we decided to have a girls day which included a mani & pedi. I was excited to spend some time with my friend and her sisters. I realized I needed to enjoy some positive sister energy. What was supposed to be a relaxing ...

(ThySistas.com) The sun rises and sets on all of us the same. Its one of the few equalizing factors in this thing called life. Some of us make the best out of what we have determined to do more and go farther. Some of us allow the very same things to ...

(ThySistas.com) When was the last time you took an extra 5 minutes out of your busy day and took care of yourself?   Often times, we are so busy taking care of others that we forget about ourselves or we feel a little selfish when we do things for ourselves.  How much ...

(ThySistas.com) Care and compassion are beautiful traits to embody. They are a part of our humanity in dealing with each other. With that being said we must be sure that these two things are not used in a manner that is detrimental to our peace and ability to thrive in our ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters there are some compromises you must think twice about making. Its not a matter of judgement or what someone else thinks of you, nor what you believe in. You must take the time to know yourself and establish what you need and want in a partner and/or friend. There ...

(ThySistas.com) We live in a society that shames us for acknowledging we are abused by the powers that be. Furthermore, there is a stress that comes with always fearing for ones’ life and safety that is beyond words. It causes both mental and physical health issues. While I respect the ideal ...

(ThySistas.com) A black woman is not my natural enemy. Regardless of what the media, and this society, would like me to think I have no reason to see a black woman as a natural threat to my wellbeing. Regardless of status, education or skin tone there are things we all face ...