Friday, July 26, 2024

Yes, It Could be Worse.

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( When many of us were younger we may have been taught to be grateful for what we have because there is always someone less fortunate. There was a recurring message to count ones’ blessings. Often times that was the answer to ones’ feelings, as you worked to better your situation, when days were not going according to plan. Our elders knew life could be hard…devastating…and very traumatizing yet we were always reminded it could be worse. Today many see this position as dismissing their truth. It is seen as downplaying your pain simply because someone else is going through a lot.

This mentality affects sisterhood and every community by which you are connected. Sometimes seeing someone go through the unthinkable while offering us encouragement is humbling. It is a reminded that we are not along in the world in regard to challenges, and hardship. Furthermore, we can get through whatever obstacle is in our way.

It is necessary to acknowledge what you are going through and how it affects your life. Your feelings are important, and they have a place. Allowing yourself to see the testimony of others and feel true empathy and compassion doesn’t take anything away from you nor what you are facing. If we aren’t careful in this area we risk losing compassion for others. It is heartbreaking when we have sisters we know are going through abuse, loss of family, terminal illness yet all we care about it being tired from work.

The only thing that matters is what is going on in our life and granted its big to us…it is no comparison to the friend battling cancer. When we can’t see past ourselves how can we be a good sister to anyone…or significant other because the only song we know to sing is “it’s all about me”.

It is possible to look at your situation and say I need this to get better, but it could be worse. This doesn’t mean you are neglecting self. When you know it can be worse you tend to find yourself thanking God for what you do have. You open yourself up to receive encouragement and upliftment which gives you the strength to offer the same to another sister without feeling slighted. The society we live is suffers severely from selfishness.

In this space you can mistreat the sisters in your circle, family, and even your babies because nothing is worse than how you feel. The truth is…yes you are blessed, and you will make it. You are strong in a positive way and accepting that positivity does not take away from what you are facing. Don’t wait until you are sitting in the funeral of someone dear to you to realize you could have been there. You could have taken the time to truly care about what they were facing. They were going through hardships you aren’t sure you would be able to withstand, but you couldn’t see them or being mad at your boyfriend, homegirl, or whatever challenges you were dealing with…but your health was intact. Coming out of your haze may actually be the keep to stopping your bad from becoming devastating. Sometimes the answer to getting things back on track lies in…it’s not always about me.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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