(ThySistas.com) There are sisters, not all, that desire to be wives. They don’t want to spend their life in what they understand to be “alone”. For some that avoid the idea of marriage at all cost it can be rooted in the belief that a wife is a weak position. Many ...

(ThySistas.com) It is rather important to have a space whereby you can shut out the world and turn yourself right side up. There is no right or wrong kind of space. Some prefer to create their space internally while using places such as the gym to get in the space they ...

(ThySistas.com) It is no secret that crime and crime related incidents take place all throughout the world and especially in the past few years there has been a major rise in the number of school and campus related incidents. Being a college student has shown me that not everyplace is safe ...

(ThySistas.com) Women are not children and deserve to be treated as adults. No one, man or woman, has the right to try to tell us our mind. We are intelligent individuals capable of making decisions for ourselves. There are so many sisters with multiple degrees, and they are making strides that ...

(ThySistas.com) When faced with trauma that causes anxiety and depression it is really easy to feel that life is completely out of control. Its as though you are losing your mind screaming inside but no one can hear you. As more people are discussing positive mental health options some of us ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters we must have a discussion about priorities, and how important to us our hair maybe. Recently I was informed that if a sister was needing to by bundles she could do so on credit verses just paying for it upfront as bundles can get rather expensive. I have to ...

(ThySistas.com) In a very short time, a negligent medical provider, a reckless driver, construction accidents, or any other form of personal injury can change the course of your life or of a family member. And yes, you cannot wipe out the pain and suffering caused by the responsible party. Your lifestyle ...

(ThySistas.com) Raising kids these days is very different that that of our parents and grandparents. Some of the adjustments have been positive, yet some can be brought into question. There is a positive interaction that happens when you actually sit down and talk to your children. When you have more patience ...

(ThySistas.com) When many of us were younger we may have been taught to be grateful for what we have because there is always someone less fortunate. There was a recurring message to count ones’ blessings. Often times that was the answer to ones’ feelings, as you worked to better your situation, ...

(ThySistas.com) Too many o us are blaming God for matters that have nothing to do with him. We have free will to make decisions, and we have many things that we bring before God both needs and wants. The problem shows itself in our sheer lack of patience. Some of ...