Results you need: what matters most in an injury case is peace of mind.

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( In a very short time, a negligent medical provider, a reckless driver, construction accidents, or any other form of personal injury can change the course of your life or of a family member. And yes, you cannot wipe out the pain and suffering caused by the responsible party. Your lifestyle will have been affected. But seeking legal justice and compensation for the injury can be a good step to having a peace of mind. Get the results you need and rest assured of a better tomorrow, a peace of mind. Here are some steps to help you have a better perspective of what to do just after the injury in an effort to regaining your peace of mind.

1. Seek medical attention

You may or may not be feeling serious pain after the injury. Whatever the case, you should visit a certified healthcare professional immediately to attend to your injury and record it. This will also strengthen your claim when taking a legal practice. You will hardly prove the cause of the injury if you wait for a while before seeking medical attention. Perhaps you won’t be compensated. Besides, how will you push the case forward if you’re experiencing health problems?

2. Keep injury records, notes, and photos

You will get full compensation if you keep the detailed notes on the injury and associated treatment. Note the details of the medical professionals you visited after the injury and keep the receipts for the prescribed medications and assistive devices like crutches that you had to use. Keep a daily diary about the condition and progress of the injury and be specific – how painful it is and various inconveniences caused. Also save the medical bills, travel expenses, and the money used for medical appointments. If you can take photos just after the injury and progressively, it will be an added advantage. And if there are witnesses, consider taking down their names and contact information for future reference.

3. Find the right injury lawyer

Before taking any other step, you need to find an injury attorney. There are thousands of injury lawyers out there but the problem is with finding the right one who’s willing to handle your case. You will have to take a few initial consultations with the potential injury lawyers who you’ll ask a couple questions to help you find the right one. And there are many platforms where you can find the right experienced attorneys to handle your case. You can find one at The Robenalt Law Firm where you will explain what happened and hand him/her the information you have kept so far.

The injury lawyer will critically look at your circumstances and advice on whether to proceed with the claim. You have to find a lawyer you’re comfortable with as this is a serious issue and you will entrust the case to the attorney. Should you decide to proceed with the claim, the attorney will need information about medical records, insurance coverage, and any available written or recorded statements.

4. Filing the claim

If you’d decided to proceed with the case, you will file the required documents with the court outlining the legal basis for the case. This is where you will indicate the type and amount of compensation you want. Please note that your attorney is not the one to file the claim but you yourself or else you might risk having the process slowed down or denied. It is not a must that the defendant is around during the decision of the court but they will be held to the result either way. The court will serve the defendant with summons containing the lawsuit notice.

5. Negotiating a settlement

This is an informal but important proceeding in which you and the defendant try to mediate and reach an agreement in the matter to avoid trial. This will save both of you on time and money and perhaps will give you a peace of mind, being a win-win situation. This process, however, is very critical and can have long-lasting effects in your case. Having an experienced and trained professional to oversee the mediation will ensure you get a fair and rightful compensation and hence a peace of mind. The injury lawyer will use his/her skills and knowledge in the negotiation for a fair settlement. If the process is successful, you will have solved the case and both head home with a peace of mind.

6. Going to trial

If you failed to reach an agreement via motion, the case will be forwarded for trial. The jury will be the decision maker who will evaluate the available facts with an effort to determining the fault and perhaps award the damages. Your attorney and the defendant’s attorney will have equal time to present their side of the case including the testimonies of the witnesses and evidence presentation. The jury will then deliberate and announce the verdict, and if applicable, the extent of the damages. You will have a peace of mind if you succeed with the case.

7. Appealing for the case

This step will be relevant if you’re not happy with the verdict released by the jury. This step involves multiple judges hearing the appeal and not a single judge or jury. So if the previous judge or jury was a bit biased, you will be in a better position to get your justice and the compensation with the multiple judges. Having a personal attorney who will advise you on the additional steps required from you will ensure that you get your justice.


That injury that has caused you pain and suffering is not the end of life. Life must continue, but you won’t be able to carry on well without having a peace of mind, which is very critical. You will be able to have this peace of mind once you get legal justice and you’re compensated fairly. Which is why you need the right injury lawyer to handle your case. Look for a trained and experienced lawyer from a reputable law firm and rest assured of a peace of mind at the end of the case solving. You have the power to get yourself in that state of being stress-free. Only if you make an informed decision when choosing your personal representative. Good luck!

Staff Writer; Shelia Parker