(ThySistas.com) “Order is not something that happens or is continued on its own. You have to implement it then have the discipline to maintain it. So what’s your plan?” – John I Pierre Order is something we tend to know we need, but have a hard time getting a handle on. ...

(ThySistas.com) When we are awaiting that mystery man that will bring balance to our live and set the soul a flame with passion and want we pray to God expecting him to deliver a tailor-made man just for us. We go to God with a list of the things we need ...

(ThySistas.com) Sometimes the biggest threat to the sisterhood is the sisters themselves. There is an agenda to set us against each other, and then pit us against our men. Becky wants us to believe she is our ally, so we should continue to stand in solidarity with her as feminist. In ...

(ThySistas.com) Are you the strong sister in your sister group? Does everyone call you when things go haywire expecting you to fix it? Do you get mandatory pray for me right now calls for every emergency, and non-emergency? If your answer is yes, it is very important that you remember you. ...

(ThySistas.com) Life does have challenges. Some of us have been victims of trauma and hardships. There are losses in ones’ life that can disorient you to the point it feels the world will never be right side up again. Some women have lost spouses. Some have lost kids. Some have been ...

(ThySistas.com) You want to be loved. You deserve to be loved. You deserved to be treated like the Queen you are, and should not have to pay for the mistakes of some woman from a previous relationship. You have been praying for this man to see you for who you are ...

(ThySistas.com) I grew up around New Orleans marching band, cheerleaders, pep squads and majorettes. Though football season was important I admit I paid attention most during Mardi Gras season. I loved watching the performances and the young ladies were amazing during parades. This was what came to mind when a friend ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters some of us have decided to engage in emotional affairs under the false pretense that since there is no sexual exchange everything is okay. well, if you have thought this you are absolutely wrong. It can be argued that physical cheating might not be the worse form. Emotional affairs ...

(ThySistas.com) We are all too familiar with the rising prices in today’s economy from the stock market to the gas prices everything is spiraling out of control. At a certain part in everyone’s life we were the inevitable: adulthood. With becoming an adult comes expenses such as bills, groceries, and just ...

(ThySistas.com) You know what they say, you gotta remember where you come from to know where you’re going. Well, I can remember, as early as 2 and 3 years old, being told to go and get the comb and brush and bead bucket (we used to store my barrettes and beads ...