(ThySistas.com) The start of a new school year is supposed to be full of excitement, but it seems we must be prepared for the beginning of school “fall out”. This is basically the conflicts that will occur between teachers, administration and our children. As a parent this can be a very ...
(ThySistas.com) Very few of us would openly admit to being selfish. Its common thought that we are all selfish in some way, and in some areas, it is a necessity for success. However, we must realize that selfish behavior can kill our relationships with parents, sibling, friends, spouses and our kids. ...
(ThySistas.com) You’ve ever been down a grocery store aisle looking for a product or produce, but there’s more than one option for you to choose from? That’s exactly how women look competing with each other over anything! The infamous example online is the meme with the photo of a lot of ...
(ThySistas.com) Sisters its okay to come out of your routine and take in the world around you. It’s okay if you can’t get on a plane and go to some unknown land. There may be magic and beauty all around you where you are currently living. Far too often we know ...
(ThySistas.com) Most people don’t feel like they do enough towards their country’s political field. When you are living a busy life, it can be hard to find the time to focus on things like government, especially if changes never seem to impact you. Of course, though, voting is one of the ...
(ThySistas.com) Ladies, it’s time to level up! We’re in the second half of the year. No matter what stage you are in, in your life, the universe is saying, loud and clear to “Level Up!” R&B singer, Ciara recently released a song entitled, Level Up, which is a catchy tune with ...
(ThySistas.com) Sistas pat yourself on the back. Give yourself a hug. Go ahead, wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze and tell yourself, “Girl you did that!”. Whatever it is. If you are walking across some one’s stage and receiving a high school diploma, a bachelors, a doctorate, girl, if you ...
(ThySistas.com) It’s okay to have a confidante that you talk to when you are facing situations that require council. However, some of us are misusing the sister circle, and don’t understand the idea of what it means to have business. Ladies everything is not a discussion. The secret best kept honestly ...
(ThySistas.com) “The ranks of women are kept really, really thin, so everyone feels that they’re the only one allowed in, and they can’t afford to be nice to other women.” – Meg Wolitzer author of The Female Persuasion Even though women are on a successful rise in the entrepreneurship industry, there ...
(ThySistas.com) It can be very difficult to understand why others treat us in a manner we deem agitating. We love our sisters, but sometimes its hard for us to understand what bothers them or hurts them, but more importantly why. Sometimes, though we mean well, we are not very patient with ...
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