Explore Your City.

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(ThySistas.com) Sisters its okay to come out of your routine and take in the world around you. It’s okay if you can’t get on a plane and go to some unknown land. There may be magic and beauty all around you where you are currently living. Far too often we know where we live, but we don’t know all it has to offer. Tourist may come to your town to enjoy themselves, but it truth you might not understand why they would bother with your city. Furthermore, if you do understand you are weighed down with the thoughts and challenges of being a citizen in said place.

You know everything wrong with the city you live in and might even want to re-locate but just can’t at the moment. Understand much in life is a matter of perspective, and you might become opened to see your hometown in a different light if you take some time to explore as a tourist.

Some cities are known for their culture, festival and events that bring people from all over the world. However, far too often those that are from there tend to never stop out their area of the city. You might find that you can renew your energy and take in some good vibes. Ladies, we are always looking for a space to relax our nerves…this could be a viable solution until you can hop on that plane. Granted I understand some live in small towns that might not offer much for sights, but there is usually a place nearby that can off space you need.

Living in New Orleans, a tourist city, there is always something to do and everything doesn’t cost an unreasonable amount of money. I must admit I was taken aback by how many sisters I talk to that tell me they have never taken in the sites that the city is known for. All they see if crime, poverty and trying to make it from one day to the next. I hear the cry to take in some sort of vacation…good energy, good music, culture, and of course great food.

However, whether they know it or not all of those things are in the same city they are in…people come from all over the world to experience what some sisters are trying to find. The hotels are beautiful, the music electrifying and well the food is absolutely divine. New Orleans is not a monolith in what it has to offer so taking the time to explore the city could turn into the vacation of a lifetime without the price of airfare.

Sisters with everything going on in the world we need a time to get away from everything and re-group. Exploring your city might help you get everything you need. Relax, take the time to pour goodness into yourself. What you need might be where you are.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.