(ThySistas.com) The first few years, running a small business is not the easiest.  You probably thought that cute flyer you spent tons of hours working on was going to go viral and your Paypal account or Shopify notifications were going to B-L-O-W up, you were going to quit your job ...

(ThySistas.com) Thanks to the advancement of technology, more and more companies and organizations are investing in staffing more remote positions.  This obviously cuts down operational costs and now, we can run businesses straight from our mobile phones.  Here are four ways that you can earn some extra cash while relaxing ...

(ThySistas.com) “Jeeeesus is looooooove….”  I can hear Lionel Richie singing that song about a very popular entity in the Christian religion.  The song elaborates on a really important value to Christianity:  love. Love for your fellow man. Love for self. Love for HIM because of HIS sacrifice.  As a Christian, ...

(ThySistas.com) Issa Rae’s show “Insecure” came from Issa’s experiences as an untypical African American. She was different. Unique. Eccentric. Weird. Reading The Misadventures of An Awkward Black Girl shifted my entire adult life.  Her descriptive stories of her mistakes and pains growing up and being different from the quintessential black ...

(ThySistas.com) Remember when you were five years old and it was the first day of kindergarten? You didn’t  know anyone in your class and your parent just dropped you off and said have fun. In your little mind you were freaking out. What if no one talked to you? Then ...

(ThySistas.com) Summer is here and this is the season whereby by many of us want to transform our body. Many are looking for every way possible to drop weight quickly. Some sistahs are completely fed up with weight gain, some have reached weights they have never been, and it is ...

(ThySistas.com) I was sitting at a training for work and was asked in a group activity to share with my colleague, how my parents influenced my adult behaviors.  The answers came quickly to my mind and I’ve known these answers from a self-evaluation I’ve done years ago.  Just a quick ...

(ThySistas.com) Let me begin by saying there are some beautiful black & white inter-racial couples. People that love each other deeply, the difference of race is not a factor in the love. There are white women, and men, that love their black partner and except everything about them. They fully ...

(ThySistas.com) “Lord, who can live in your sacred tent?  Who can stay on your holy mountain?  Anyone who lives without blame and does what is right.  They speak the truth from their heart.  They don’t tell lies about other people.  The don’t do wrong to their neighbors.  They don’t say ...

(ThySistas.com) There are so many areas whereby women need to uplift one another. It is important that we don’t become our biggest critics. Motherhood is a daunting adventure. It is one of the greatest joys many of us will experience, yet it can be one of the most stressful. There ...