(ThySistas.com) The climate of our society seems more focused on the training and sensibilities of boys. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard women say: teach your son’s not to beat, teach your sons boundaries, teach your sons to respect girls, teach your sons to value women, and teach ...

(ThySistas.com) Health challenges due to illness can mean taking a lot of different medications that can be difficult. Every woman wants to feel beautiful. Hair, nails, and skin are a very important part of one’s self image. In addition to what illness does to the body, medication can make one ...

(ThySistas.com) As I sit here writing about health, I realize it’s been over 20 years sine I’ve had a pain free day. I don’t remember what it’s like to wake up and just move about my day without having to map out how to get my body to comply with my ...

(ThySistas.com) Ah…Zora Neale Hurston.  A popular author? Not until after death for the most part. Why?  Her truth.  Most of her stories used real dialect and real conversations of African Americans in the South.  She never apologized for it.  Barracoon, a book written by Hurston but posthumously released, tells the ...

(ThySistas.com) Strength is valued in our community. There seems to be a particular kind of pride in being able to say “I’ll handle it”. Far too many times we sit back, as women, trying to figure out what we will do next to better self, and family. There always seems ...

(ThySistas.com) “Blood is thicker than water.” Two liquids compete against each other in one sentence.  Each liquid represents a vital necessity to life.  Blood is the mandatory members of your clan that are scientifically bound to you.  Water are your choices for camaraderie and meaningful relationships based on interests and experiences.  ...

(ThySistas.com) Having a strong support circle of friends is a blessing. They are a wonderful resource even when you are married. Some of us have heard its important to have a best friend(s) even when you get married, because you can’t always tell your husband everything. Due to this many ...

(ThySistas.com) One of the duties of a good friend is to be a listening ear in a time of crisis. Sometimes we get into situations at work, with family, kids, or the significant other that isn’t easy to work through. It’s a blessing to have that person(s) you can call ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters there is a lot going on in the world that can make us question God’s very existence. If could make us wonder if he’s real, why is he allowing so much pain and suffering. Everyday we wake up to suffering in this world. It’s easy to say prayer ...

(ThySistas.com) Life can leave scars that seem to remember is of the pain and suffering we’ve endured when we look to seek love going forward. It’s easy to say I’ve moved on, and my past doesn’t affect my present. However, sometimes that is not the case. It’s important to know ...