(ThySistas.com) School is starting all over the country and it is a very different start. Some places have students in the classrooms, some schools are opting for a virtual start to the year, and others offer an option. There is a great deal of concern an uncertainty. Parents, teachers and ...
(ThySistas.com) Having a council of sistas you can look to for wisdom is priceless. Knowing you are important enough to have women pour of themselves into you is valuable and affirming. You matter to the universe and our sistas are often push the energy that is needed to keep us ...
(ThySistas.com) We all wanted to have a great partner, however, there are times when girls end up dating the not-so-good ones especially when they are too attached to fairytales and movies that are too good to be true. Bad boys are sometimes classified as romantic and many girls find them ...
(ThySistas.com) During the pandemic, a lot of people are forced to stay at home. Being at home means having to prepare your own food. But unless you are really passionate about cooking, preparing food might be a burden. However, opting for a pizza delivery might not be the healthiest solution. ...
(ThySistas.com) If you grew up like me, you had the Books of the Bible shoved down your throat. You heard and practiced them over and over and over and over again until you could recite them anywhere: in the park, during a spelling test, or at the doctor’s office. The ...
(ThySistas.com) We are a caring and compassionate people overall. We understand the challenges that face our people, and the fears we have for our children. We see our men being executed in the street, our sisters are being gunned down in their home, and our babies are in the crossfire ...
(ThySistas.com) Every black person we see killed, be it in the streets or in their homes, is someone’s child. As we are coming off Father’s Day there is a narrative that is often lost in the discussion of loss among our people. It is understood that the love of a ...
(ThySistas.com) It is important to me that you understand you are splendid in your own right. You are strong, smart, and your life is important. You are a blessing to your family, and community. You have strength and compassion; you deserve to be loved in this life. Your existence doesn’t ...
(ThySistas.com) Love is such a strong emotion. It has the power to bring us to a place of joy and peace. We can experience a sense of fulfillment and balance that can’t be found in any other range of emotion. With that being acknowledged, when love becomes perverted and abusive ...
(ThySistas.com) Kindness should be human currency. Something we give as a gesture of the acknowledgement of the humanity of another individual. This is a bit different from being nice. There is a care associated with kindness that can remind someone that they are needed in the world. It can give ...
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