Thursday, July 25, 2024

Black Women Come Together.

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( We are a caring and compassionate people overall. We understand the challenges that face our people, and the fears we have for our children. We see our men being executed in the street, our sisters are being gunned down in their home, and our babies are in the crossfire of this violence. Our hearts go out to any woman that feels terror in any way where their family is concerned. As we cry, scream and grieve…we hear faint voices that say what about us. What about our pain and suffering? Black women often look up and see other groups facing oppression and answer yes, we will stand with you. There isn’t a second thought. We don’t see the need to exclude anyone, and we don’t see the twisted knife that has been in our backs for centuries. We can’t understand the simple concept that we might have to lay down the solidarity of all women and speak solely to the matters that haunt us.

Right now, many may look at this perspective and feel the world is standing in solidarity with black people as we fight against injustice that kills us at the hands of the police. On a grand stage that is what seems to be happening, but as always there is a recurring theme of “what about us”. The problem is our blood is spilled in the streets and every minority feels they can stand and rise on that blood. This is a problem. As black women we understand there is racism and discrimination of various kinds. The problem is we don’t want our movement hijacked whereby everyone has their fighting ground as we continue to die. The Civil Rights Act was a dynamic document. A document which many other minorities would benefit more from than those that died fighting for the Act. The truth is when black women have stood with other groups of women in the long run we have been betrayed.

Given the climate of this country right now we need to come together as black women. We must look within our community and began to heal self and one another. We must focus on the bonds of sisterhood and solidarity amongst each other if we are to have the fortitude to continue standing. Yes, we must work on our relationships with black men as it is not a one-sided situation. In many ways we protect, and do not protect, each other. However, we must come together and put an end the fighting and bickering amongst black women. This system is meant for us to trust others more than we trust each other. It’s no coincidence that we fight for others so quickly while trying to carry our own weight.

If we don’t want to feed the unhuman narrative of the “Overly Strong Black Woman” let’s start with simply tending to our own house. No one is saying don’t care; however, we are in a serious war with our nation and this battle gets more furious by the day. We are dying in the streets and hanging from trees. We must be about the needs of our community and people. Black lives mattering and staying alive must be our chief priority.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Michele

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