(ThySistas.com) There are millions of potential customers for any business. With the right marketing, the right strategy and the key steps taken, you can see fantastic success on the market with your business. There’s just one problem. While there are millions of potential customers there are also hundreds of thousands ...

(ThySistas.com) You want your business to be a success; every single entrepreneur out there does. You want to make a profit and break the boundaries of the market you’re in. You want to have a team of perfectly curated people who always know what they’re doing. You want to have ...

(ThySistas.com) I admit Bodak Yellow was once on my workout playlist. I followed Cardi B on Instagram, and I really wanted to be fan. Here is was a female rap artist that came from a very hard situation, and she was now on top. She seemed very comfortable with who ...

(ThySistas.com) Traveling alone is one of the best experiences you’ll ever have in life.  You did not need a group of people or another person to travel the world.  The first time I traveled alone was to Miami, FL and I had a very good time on the sandy beaches, alone.  ...

(ThySistas.com) The success of your business rests on many things. The strength of your ideas, the quality of the execution of those ideas, your staff, the market; they’re all important. However, there’s another aspect, one that’s arguably just as big as any other aspect, yet which isn’t always given the ...

(ThySistas.com) Stress is one of the biggest health problems that society faces right now. We’re all living busy lives and not taking enough time to deal with stress, which is a big issue because it can quickly turn into a more serious mental health problem and it can also have a ...

(ThySistas.com) No matter the industry, the business landscape is always evolving. Any entrepreneur that wants their business to do well needs to be a forward-thinker. You need to be able to predict the turning of the tide before it comes; that way, you can get ahead of the competition. Additionally, you ...

(ThySistas.com) London consistently features in the polls of the top places to visit in the world. The reason why this is the case is because the city has so much to offer. It ticks all of the boxes. There are plenty of tourist attractions. The city is steeped in history, culture, ...

(ThySistas.com) In the age of social media, people are comparing themselves to who they see living what seems to be a beautifully and perfect life in their timeline.  What is often not shown as we scroll on our timelines are the imperfections of others or ourselves.  It’s easier to post the ...

(ThySistas.com) Recently there was a story in the news about the fundamental nature of our reality. Physicists are now coming to the belief that the universe isn’t fundamentally “stuff” like atoms and particles, but information – or something intangible. But while the world of physics is being turned on its head, ...