5 Things You Can Use Daily for Inspiration.

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(ThySistas.com) On any given day, we all need some form of inspiration to get us through some of our best and worst days.  No matter if you are a morning, mid-day or night owl type of person, these things will definitely help you stay inspired daily in your life journey.

Affirmations:  Saying positive affirmations to yourself daily are gentle reminders to keep you motivated in the tough times or times of doubt about something.  You can place affirmations on vision boards around your home or office or write them individually, everywhere that you are.  Affirmations are great “I am” statements to use throughout your day.

Bible or devotional:  You can download your favorite bible translation or devotional apps on your phone and read them while you commute to work or meetings or while you’re at home and enjoying that fresh cup of coffee or tea in the morning.  I personally keep multiple devotional books around the house in various rooms and one at my desk at work.  This way, I can keep God’s word with me in plain sight whenever I need it.  Devotionals are great ways to help you comprehend bible verses in a modernized way.  There are various translations for bibles to read and devotionals for any area of your life that you are currently in.  World renowned TV Evangelist, Joyce Meyer has two devotionals based on the time of day called, Starting Your Day and Ending Your Day Right and Ending Your Day Right.

Podcasts:  Podcasts are the new versions of radio, to me.  There are all kinds of podcasts categories that you can listen to again, on your commute to work or while you’re home getting dressed to start your day.  I listen to Confessions of a Werkaholic by serial entrepreneur Koereyelle.  But there are podcasts for literally EVERY category that you can think of such as, arts, business, comedy, education, games and hobbies, government, health, kids and family, music, news, politics, etc.  Oh, and podcasts are usually FREE, so make sure you are tuning in to podcasts daily for inspiration.

YouTube Videos: If you attend Bedside Baptist like me and miss those church services with profound and inspirational messages like me or want to watch clips of your favorite motivational speaker, check out YouTube videos.  I’ve found speeches from Malcolm X under two minutes to full sermons by Bishop T.D. Jakes.  I also love watching YouTube videos by my favorite business gurus when I need some inspiration on the job.  If you find something that you like, subscribe to that channel and get notified when they post new videos.

Blogs:  Thanks to the advancement of social media, it’s becoming a challenge for bloggers to drive traffic to their websites but let us never forget, blogs are here and here to stay!!!!!  There are so many blogs that post inspirational content.  You can read at a greater length than watching a 15-second Instagram video.  Most blog posts are between 3-5 minutes long so if you’re on your lunch break or waiting in line at the bank or grocery store, you can find inspiration through blog posts.

Finding online or offline inspiration in those much needed moments in your life is easily accessible and cost from FREE to under $20.  Invest in your inner self and use these things for a dose of daily inspiration.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

One may also connect with this sister online over at; FTSimpson.com.