(ThySistas.com) Are you finding it tough to match your competition pound for pound (or dollar for dollar) when it comes to ad buys and other kinds of traditional digital marketing? There’s a way that might be more effective and also a little less expensive. Here, we’re going to look at ...
(ThySistas.com) Mental health is finally starting to get the attention it deserves. There are many people walking around trying to make it from moment to moment to work their way through their day. Sometimes knowing the feeling of being alone in the world, or abandoned, shapes what one is willing ...
(ThySistas.com) Weight loss among women is a consistent conversation. Many of us are always looking for way to improve our body and health. No one is in the same place in this conversation. Some sistahs have achieved their weight goals as they focus more on overall fitness, consistency, and even ...
(ThySistas.com) When did we decide correction equated to hatred? We speak of holding people accountable, but when that happens in uncomfortable spaces we want to throw insults and accuse each other of hatred. This is dangerous. It’s important to understand that correction can come with disappointment and anger. If you ...
(ThySistas.com) Most of us go about our daily lives without really stopping to think about how our everyday actions are impacting certain parts of our bodies, and one such often neglected area is our eyes. Our eyes give us the gift of sight, a gift that we often take for ...
(ThySistas.com) For me there is nothing more powerful than being a black woman. I should never have to apologize for feeling such, and I hope other women feel the same about themselves. far too often, we as black women seek the validation of white women. We care about their perspective ...
(ThySistas.com) 18 Years Old: You are a legal adult who can vote. 21 Years Old: You are a legal adult who can partake in most drugs and alcohol without penalty. 65 Years Old: You can eat at most restaurants at a discount price. All of the aforementioned adult things are ...
(ThySistas.com) My male best friend and I have a tendency to come up with the most chaotic and crazy conclusions that usually happen to be right…sometimes: Lake Minnetonka water has healing capabilities. Five Star notebooks can save lives if it was bulletproof. The State of Florida has some very eccentric ...
(ThySistas.com) There seems to be a growing relationship between mothers and wine. The rate of alcoholism is on the rise amongst women with mothers leading the pack. Though this is disturbing it is very important to differentiate between women that simply enjoy drinking wine without abusing such, and those that ...
(ThySistas.com) Cars are expensive and if you need to replace yours, it can put a lot of strain on your finances. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid this completely and you will need to buy a new car from time to time. However, you can make things easier for yourself if you ...
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