Thursday, March 21, 2024

Finding Ethics In The Clothing Business.

March 12, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you consider yourself a moral, ethical person, or at least someone who strives to live a more virtuous life, then you must represent that in how you do business, as well. Market backlash and the ease of giving feedback online is making companies across the country look at how ethical their methods […]

Help Your Children To Find Their Thing.

Tweet ( How we raise our children, changes throughout the generations. Back in the day, after school and during high days and holidays, youngsters were not cooped up in their rooms on Social Media. They were out playing in the yard and local streets. They were expected home when it got dark, or when they […]

4 Ways To Make Logistics A Business Concept That Works For You.

Tweet ( In terms of any business supply chain, simplicity is vital. The more steps there are in a logistics plan, the more efficient the business needs to be. When you’re trying to get everybody to work together under one roof this is one thing but when you start to work on the supply chain […]

Don’t Tell Me When to Cry.

I will take a stand for my own emotional space. No one will make me feel ashamed for grieving the loss of life no matter how it hits me. There will be no explanations given about why someone impacted my life enough to bring my day (or week) to a screeching halt for grieves sake. Kobe Bryant has transitioned, and I won’t be getting over it quickly. I’m hurting inside, many people are hurting inside, and there is nothing to be ashamed about.

He’s Human.

We are human; black men are human. Our men feel pain, and they cry. They deserve the right to express pain, loss, trauma, and anything else that is heavy in their souls simply because they are human beings. They are crying for the pain of the loss of Kobe Bryant; but I get the feeling these tears are coming from a deeper place. They are tired and they can no longer mask the pain. They are seen by some as animals…but even animals are allowed to feel more than black men. Starting with our little boys…we have to allow them to work through how they feel verses starting a compiling of silent tears that will span into their adulthood. It doesn’t take away from their manhood to feel pain when it comes. They are human.

How To Become A Better Driver.

March 5, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( All of us like to think we’re good drivers, but are we really as good as we think? More often than not, the answer is no. We might not be dangerous drivers, but the fact remains that we’ve become lax on taking all the precautions that we used to when we first started […]

Why Are You Worried About that Woman’s Fat.

There comes a point whereby we must stop harming each other. We can’t ask other to celebrate us when we only celebrate the versions black women we find palatable. We are not a monolith, and that makes us great. We can’t scream black girl magic and not extend it to every black girl. The truth is the BBW next to me is no threat to me…I can celebrate her just because she is. I would only hope I receive the same seeing that I am also her.

Food Might Help.

It is understandable that you are trying to get a million things done, there are people that are pulling from you in multiple capacities, and some days you can find yourself physically drained. Take the time to administer a bit of healing…eat the food your body needs and consider having the food that sooths your soul without guilt. You don’t need permission to do what is needed for you, and every now and then the answer might be as simple as food.

Believing in BAE After Breakup.

While I can not speak for all of those women, I feel to a certain extent a type of shame.  If I am supposed to be a supportive and empathetic friend,  why are my prejudices hindering me from being able to be that support?  It should not.  I should be able to put my negativity aside to be a pillar for those I love.  This does not mean I am a pushover. I am not going to stand by while those I love are abused or misused. However, I should not compare who I am and what I do to those who are not me.  People who choose to love after divorces or long-term relationships are brave. They are resilient.  They deserve whatever chances the universe, fate, or a higher power have for them.  They have every right to believe in another Before Anyone Else.

Brown Joy Is Needed: Thank You Christina Louise.

We as a race have worked hard to rewrite the Black American story from just being about slavery and bondage. Success is more consistent, but there are visible and invisible forces attempting to keep us in the same place.  They aspire for us to remain comfortable.  Christina Louise’ books attempt to give encouragement and empowerment back to our young people so that they may change our future world.  Thank you, Christina Louise, for taking wisdom and measure to remind us and our future that they have the ability to do just about anything. Her books, Pretty Brown Girl and Black Boy Joy, are declarations of positivity toward children of color.

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