Three Secrets To Becoming Your Own Boss.

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(ThySistas.comSo many women these days are realising the benefits of becoming their own boss. From cutting out a long commute to being more flexible with hours and locations, having more time to devote to your family and other commitments, being able to give back to your community – or even just the simple joy of knowing that all your hard work is going towards securing your own future, there’s definitely lots of great reasons behind the growing trend to start up your own business.

See Your Opportunity

The globally connected world we live in these days has created plenty of opportunities for smart women to become successful entrepreneurs and carve out increasingly quirky niches for themselves, while connecting with others who share the same values. Whether it’s a freelance business pursuit, marketing a talent you have, creating something artistic or using a passion to sell a product, the sky really is the limit when it comes to the future of your business.

However, becoming your own boss isn’t without its challenges. From losing the security of a monthly paycheck, paid sick leave and other benefits like a company pension and medical insurance, it isn’t a decision you can take lightly. Entrepreneurs work extremely hard and often for long periods with little reward, and they can feel isolated when carrying  lot of responsibility alone.

However, if you have the vision to go it alone and you aren’t afraid of a little hard work, you can make it work for you…

Don’t Be Too Hasty

Before you rush to hand in that letter of resignation for the dead-end job that’s been annoying you for too long, take a rain check. It’s never the best approach to abandon a paid job too soon. You need to be sure first that your business idea is viable and that you have a good chance of making a living at it. Spend some time researching your target market, costs, suppliers, the design of your website, connect with a trusted transport partner like and  all the other elements you’ll need to have in place to get your business off the ground. Prepare your financial projections and your funding pitch, look into business seed funding or finding an angel investor and map the whole enterprise out. Aim to build up a rainy day fund to support you while you get things off the ground – your business may not be profitable for a while. If possible, start slowly by reducing your hours in your job down to part time, and try to build up your business while you do so.

Be Your Own Coach

This step is vital – you need to make a noise and get your voice heard and your business seen. If you can connect with a business mentor, so much the better but you also need to develop yourself. Find local networking events, make connections with people and promote what you’re doing. Develop a social media presence to help you with your research and to find communities of like minded people who will provide you with an audience for your big sell. The best promotion is to be successful!

Staff Writer; Lisa James