(ThySistas.com) First things first nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream! Meaning just because you have this dream and it seems perfect when you think about it in your head, it will not be easy executing. The first thing to do when building your brand is to make sure you ...

(ThySistas.com) Life is something. There are so many aspects to it that often times I wonder if I’m doing things right. Not that there is a right way to do life; there is, however, a healthy way to approach your choices and what you do. You cannot control what happens to you, well, ...

(ThySistas.com) As we get older, our hearing can suffer. It’s not unusual for older people to become hard of hearing or even deaf after a lifetime of using their ears at their optimum, and perhaps, in some cases, abusing them with lots of loud gigs and the like. If you’re concerned ...

(ThySistas.com) If you are in a position where you can change career – whether you’re considering going back to work after childbirth or you’ve left your previous company, or maybe you’re feeling bored in your job – it can be helpful to sit down and review your chances. As a rule ...

(ThySistas.com) If there is one thing that I have found to be true is this- relationships are hard work. Whether you are in a marriage or in a long-term committed one, there’s no magic to having a happy home. It really comes down to two people being willing to put in ...

(ThySistas.com) Going to the gym on a consistent basis can be a challenging task for many. As many of us prepare to go we are looking for reasons to stay in the bed, or work on another task. The truth is working out is a necessity, but it can take awhile ...

(ThySistas.com) Life can become very stressful and overwhelming at times. We can be let feeling exhausted, worn out and downright rubbish sometimes. However, when we get ourselves into stressful situations, the most important thing we must do is find a way to relax and refresh. Sometimes simply taking a moment away ...

(ThySistas.com) There is a fundamental thing that exists amongst women – some are mean and some are not. Women are complex beings and we want what we want. While most of us have dealt with mean girls in some form or fashion in high school or college, who really wants to ...

(ThySistas.com) It can be a challenge to open up when you are going through an internal crisis. In ones mind it seems logical, while in distress, to feel that those closest to you should understand how you feel. When this is the expectation communication drops with the understanding that she gets ...

(ThySistas.com) If one is not careful what a child needs to be taught will be determined by their gender instead of principles that apply to all humanity. Domestic violence, and other forms of assault are serious issues that we must begin to tackle opening in our community. In order to have ...