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Relax And Refresh With These Apps.

December 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comLife can become very stressful and overwhelming at times. We can be let feeling exhausted, worn out and downright rubbish sometimes. However, when we get ourselves into stressful situations, the most important thing we must do is find a way to relax and refresh.

Sometimes simply taking a moment away from the stresses of real life can help our mind to reset and allow us to see things from a different point of view. If you don’t feel like you are ready to communicate your issues, then you may want to settle down in a comfy chair, whip out your phone and try one of these relaxing apps.

Stress Tracker

This app allows you to track your mood daily and identify the moments which make you feel most stressed. By doing this you will be able to identify what it is that triggers your feelings of stress or anxiety and deal with them in a productive way.

GPS for the Soul

This app can measure your heart rate and deduce how stressed you are from that information. For this to work you simply have to put your finger over your phone camera, and it will measure your heart rate as well as factor in your gender, age and health. This will bring back a stress level and will allow you to see how stressed out you are even when you don’t realise it. You will then be offered ways to relieve your stress depending on your stress level and emotional state. This is a clever app because it uses your physiology to determine how to help you beat stress.You will also be given breathing exercises to try and calm you down if you are incredibly stressed.

Squeeze and Shake Stress Relief

This is a virtual stress ball which is the ideal solution for those days where you are so frustrated and wound up that all you want to do is squeeze something very hard. The clever thing about this app is that rather than just letting you shake and squeeze the phone: it will also give you a hand massage. The harder you shake and squeeze the phone, the deeper the phone will vibrate to soothe your hand muscles.


One of the first things anyone will suggest to you when you are feeling riled up is to take long, deep breaths. The reason for this is that diaphragmatic breathing has been proved to go a long way when reducing stress levels. By taking that effort and concentration to breathe deeply and slowly, you will in effect be forgetting about your stresses and also lowering your blood pressure. This app is designed to give you breathing techniques to destress you.

White Noise

It is a sad fact that most of us spend our lives utterly exhausted. Most of the time this will be caused by our sleeping pattern, but often it is caused by our stress levels. When we are stressed it can be much harder to fall asleep at night because our mind wanders and worries. This app is designed to play relaxing sounds to take your mind elsewhere and allow your brain to truly relax into sleep.

Sleep Cycle

If you seem to suffer from insomnia a lot of the time, then you might want to take a moment to try out this app. The idea is to place your phone next to you on the mattress and as you fall asleep your phone will monitor your movement to determine the quality of your sleeping. It will then help you to determine what it is that causes you to have a bad night’s sleep. It might be that you play on Facebook until you drift off, or you eat late at night. By using the app you can improve your quality of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.


Sometimes it isn’t a stress-relieving app that you need: you might feel the need to play FFXV: a new empire as you settle down for the evening instead. Sometimes the best remedy for stress is to distract ourselves with a totally different activity. This could be building an empire and fighting baddies, colouring in with an art therapy app or even playing on candy crush for an hour or so. Simply doing something else distracts the mind and relaxes us. If you don’t want to try a stress app, take a look on the app store and download a couple of free games instead. It might be the best decision you make.

Staff Writer; Carla Shaw

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