Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Challenges Gone Wild and Stupid.

July 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Playing games and experiencing challenges is expected in life.  It should happen.  Games should entertain. Challenges should improve.  That is not exactly the case with these social media challenges that focus more on the “dare” than “truth”.  Do not let these events on social media distract you from what is happening to those in our society that could eventually affect us.  Dares are no fun when society pays a negative price.

The Pandora’s Box Issa Opened.

July 15, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

I felt like I had to be something that I was not, and I was not happy about that.  Now, I realized that being weird is a beautiful thing. I add value to this world. I add culture to this world. I add awesomeness.  So thank you, Issa, for opening Pandora’s Box.  We promise we will make weird beautiful.

“When They See Us” is Hard but Necessary.

June 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

However, they kept pushing which is why we are hear today. Living in this country is mentally exhausting and emotionally taxing, but we can’t close our eyes. For the sake of our children we must keep pushing with our eyes wide open. We must keep looking within our stories for ways that we can better protect ourselves, and our children. “When They See Us” is definitely hard to watch, and you might have to watch in parts, but please take the time to watch.

Trending Topic: Cassie is Pregnant by Her New Beaux.

June 24, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Whether you agree or disagree with the above tweets or my personal opinions, let’s all agree to celebrate love between two people and the love that they will pour even further as they bring another life into this world.  Diddy and Cassie are both happy in their lives, living separately and enjoying love for other people in their lives separately and that’s the happiness that we all should seek in our lives daily.

Why Do We Love Beyonce?

June 15, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., Money, Music, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Whether you’re a fan or not, there are tons of reasons to love Beyonce.  Her spirit and energy is unmatched (as it should be) and the legacy that she will most definitely leave behind is to be commended and appreciated in advance. 

Cardi B I Tried to Root for You.

April 17, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., Music, News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

She might want to invest in a publicist she trusts and learn discretion in her speech. Furthermore, being a woman keeping it real doesn’t justify horrid behavior. It doesn’t justify drugging and raping a human being. Just as a woman is not an object for prey…neither is a man…no one should be treated that way. As of now, I can’t be a Cardi B fan. She has to come into herself more for my taste. Just as I was not able to look past the behavior of certain male artist, I will not be a hypocrite and look past her actions. I wish her the best, and plenty of elevation…I just can’t support a human being drugging and harming people. I’ve survived too many kinds of violation.

Simple Ways To Relieve Stress In Just 5 Minutes.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Stress is one of the biggest health problems that society faces right now. We’re all living busy lives and not taking enough time to deal with stress, which is a big issue because it can quickly turn into a more serious mental health problem and it can also have a big impact physically. That’s […]

Netflix and Chill – The Grown Woman Version.

March 23, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Too often we associate Netflix and Chilling to insinuate that sexual intercourse will happen with our partner in the midst of just chilling and watching a movie together. 

We Must Confront Women.

Women will not have the movement they seek until the double standards are removed. Ironically, this is the case for any movement. To truly enact change you must first start with your own.

Building A Following In The Modern World Of Music.

December 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Back in the days before the internet, most of the musicians featured on radio stations, large stages, and television shows were scouted by people who worked for record labels. Producing their own records and cassettes, these early superstars often fell into fame and fortune without having to do much to pursue it. Nowadays, though, […]

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