(ThySistas.com) Unless one is joyfully retired or independently wealthy, being under or un-employed can be hugely stressful.  Most of us find it difficult to feel “productive” without enough structure to our day and contact with like-minded people.   Plus, just the passage of each day can be a source of tension ...

(ThySistas.com) Love is both a noun and a verb. If love, the noun, is an intense feeling of deep affection, self, the noun, one’s essential being that distinguishes them from other women, and your, an adjective, meaning belonging or associated with a person, then “Love Your Self” takes new meaning. ...

(ThySistas.com) The announcement, made on Carol’s Daughter’s Facebook page, comes one month after associates of the retailer exited a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The brand, which was founded in 1993 by Lisa Price, will keep its current lineup. L’Oreal USA is hoping that the acquisition will allow its brand to build ...

(ThySistas.com) I can’t begin to count the number of stories I’ve come across within the last month that all share the same headline, “Mom’s boyfriend kills her child.” Over and over again, we see women getting involved in relationships with men who do not have their total best interest at ...

(ThySistas.com) I’ve had a few people inform me that yoga is a spiritual practice, its no different from religion they say. You have to chat to a god that you don’t know, its a form of worships I’ve been told and many beckon others to stay far away from the ...

(ThySistas.com) On Friday, I went to see “Addicted” so I could write my movie review. I read the book several years ago when it first came out, and Zane became a very popular author among Black Women, so I knew we would be seeing this movie in droves. Before the movie ...

(ThySistas.com) Often times as women, we allow the primary focus of our lives to be caring for our children, lovers, family and friends. Oh, did I forget work? The struggle to be “successful” in the workforce is our life purpose, right? So many of us are driving recklessly towards achieving ...

(ThySistas.com) As I stroll through blogs, articles as well as posts on social media I often find the threading trend to be ‘love’ centered. Everyone is talking about how to find love or how to keep it. Interestingly most information takes the route of telling women how to make a ...

(ThySistas.com) No you are not hearing the famous line that’s familiar to fans of the Maury Povic Show. This is regarding something that’s heard time and time again, especially within the black community. “I’m the mama and the daddy.” Now what I’m about to say may upset some women out ...

(ThySistas.com) While on the Internet I stumbled across a horrific practice known as Breast Ironing. Breast Ironing is a tradition that happens in Cameroon. Some mothers are known to use hot stones or coconut shells to flatten their daughters’ breast. I am sure that by now many of you are ...