Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy Virgo Full Moon Healing & Reflecting!

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( Love & Prosperity! On Thursday, March 6th, we will be reflecting, healing and planning under the energies of the Virgo Full Moon. Full moons are a time of wholeness and self-reflection. At this time of the month, we are full of the intentions set during the new moon giving way for the full moon energies to provide clarity, the releasing of what is no longer needed and openings to make necessary adjustments.

Virgo is the sign of the self-improvement, health consciousness and meaningful service. Virgo rules the 6th in astrology, our house of health and service. This house also deals with our ability to cope with adversity, personal growth, daily routines and one’s ability to be of service to self and others. Virgo’s motto is “I ANALYZE, therefore I AM”.2015-zodiacvirgo-navy

This energy may feel a bit bi-polar to many as the Sun in Pisces opens us up to delving deeply into the realms our imagination for the sake of entertainment and pleasure while the Virgo moon craves to do something! To set a plan in motion and to see it through until it becomes a reality.

You may feel a pull towards developing a daily ritual consisting of self-massage, prayer/affirmations, yoga, Reiki or meditation. There may be a strong push towards getting to bed earlier or getting up as soon as your body alarm signals.  Your appetite may shift having only the desire to eat fresh fruit, veggies and water. This is the time to tune in and listen closely to your body. You are your own physician. Doctors depend on you to tell them what is happening within you in order to reach a diagnosis. Under this Virgo moon, you will more clearly hear the needs of your inner self. By fulfilling the needs of one’s self, we are better equipped and prepared to go into the world and be of service to others.

This lovely energy will also bring truth to light! Illusions created by one’s self will come to the surface. Be gentle and nurturing with yourself but most importantly: LISTEN! Ignoring the issue will not make it go away; in fact, it is the key to causing the issue to leak over into other areas of your life. If it causing you pain now, imagine the amount of trauma it will cause later. Breathe! Release! Replace!

This full moon is all about “self”. For many it will be intense as we often put emphasis on our children, lovers, friends and anyone else who can give us the illusion that we are escaping ourselves. It is time to look in the mirror, accept what you see and allow yourself to love your reflection unconditionally.

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff

Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @

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