(ThySistas.com) Social media has bought us closer to people in a particular but also familiar way.  It is so easily accessible to connect with people now than ever before.  About 15 years ago, you actually had to obtain a person’s telephone number in order to talk to them and before FaceTime ...

(ThySistas.com) Most moms know that their daughters are not always made from sugar and spice and everything nice, but a mother’s love for her daughter is unending. No matter how many times you and your child come to a battle of wills, at the end of the day your little girl ...

(ThySistas.com) Right now we are living in a time where there are so many #Movements. There is #LifeGoals, #RelationshipGoals, #BodyGoals and one of my favorites, #HairGoals. One hashtag that I’ve seen recently was #CheckOnYourStrongFriend. This is on that really resonated with me. I cheered for the empathetic soul who created this one ...

(ThySistas.com) Rhythm and Blues have been around for generations and will stick around for more generation to come. The artists, lyrics, and songs may have changed; however, the influences remain the same. There is music from long ago that influenced women in a positive way. Giving women a platform and message ...

(ThySistas.com) The wedding is over, the honeymoon has gone too and now you’re in the thick of it. This is what marriage is all about, the day after day of being faithful, loyal and loving your partner. Being there for them when they have no one else to confide with about ...

(ThySistas.com) Self-improvement entails a keen analysis of your current situation. You want to learn from your past mistakes and actively correct yourself. You can achieve this objective by deliberately cultivating mutually beneficial relationships. You don’t expect to impress every person all the time. But strive to leave a pleasant taste in ...

(ThySistas.com) There’s something that is bothering me. I understand, intimately, the particular damage that is done to anyone who has experienced sexual abuse. It literally shreds the soul and changes who we are. At the very beginning of this #metoo movement, I was up bright and early and quickly added my ...

(ThySistas.com) No woman wants to follow a man with no sense of direction. If he doesn’t know himself and his worth how can he lead you? When a man is weak to the point you have the urge to run over him you won’t follow him. When promises are constantly broken, ...

(ThySistas.com) Submit according to dictionary.com means to give over or yield to the power or authority of another. Yield means to give up or surrender (oneself) according to dictionary.com. So if we were to define the word submit in layman’s terms it would be to give someone other than ourselves, that ...

(ThySistas.com) Broken hearts are not cute, neither are there any perfect success formulas on how to stitch broken hearts back together.  No matter what was the cause of the breakup, using these tips below will help you or someone you know, embark on the road of healing from a breakup. Take ...