(ThySistas.com) With the advancements in technology and social media, it is so much easier to stay in touch with family. In addition, a popular people search engine such as Truthfinder can also assist one in finding long-distance relatives, as their social media info, and other public records are just one click away. ...

(ThySistas.com) Winter is coming up and that means there’s going to be a change in weather. I don’t know about you, but I love the changes that come with the seasons. In fact, fall and winter are my favorite times of the year. It’s much easier to warm up than cool ...

(ThySistas.com) “I told him I was sorry for his loss and that this did not have to happen,” Harteau said. These are the empty words from the police chief in the “alleged” wrongful death of Justine Damond. Sistas in the year of 2017 we must stick together. Black women, as a ...

(ThySistas.com) One of the hardest things in life is moving past the death of a loved one. Whether it is parent, child, relative or friend, it is tough coping with the fact that an important part of your life is no longer physically in your world. I know first hand how ...

(ThySistas.com) It is clear that the best way to save our communities is to turn inward. There is strength in community when we have common ground. Black women must realize that, in conjunction with black men, we are all we have. One way that we can fight injustice, and create a ...

(ThySistas.com) We’ve all heard the concept some relationships are for a season, and others are for life. When you have had that particular friend that has been like a sister to you since grade school its impossible to think that relationship is seasonal. You have grown up on the same block, ...

(ThySistas.com) Relationships can become very complicated when trust is compromised. There are many women that feel love is enduring a situation no matter the cost. They don’t want to be deemed as disloyal so they remain in relationships whereby trust has left the building. In this space, there is so much ...

(ThySistas.com) We love our hair. It is an important part of who we are as women, and there is nothing wrong with that. When your crown is on point, you feel better about yourself. Whether we need to be loved on so we take ourselves to our beloved hair stylist…and as ...

(ThySistas.com) Right now, it seems as if our country is erupting with anger, confusion, and pain. However, it also seems as though we are not seeing enough people try to understand the true problem of race in America. Women are a group in this country that have a powerful voice, but ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s very true mother’s love their sons. When they see that boy, they see the future of not just a name…but their protection. Let’s be real there is an understanding that boys will fight for their mother. There are mothers out there that demand nothing of their sons, and that ...