Monday, September 16, 2024

The Importance of Family Love.

October 16, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( With the advancements in technology and social media, it is so much easier to stay in touch with family. In addition, a popular people search engine such as Truthfinder can also assist one in finding long-distance relatives, as their social media info, and other public records are just one click away. However, there is nothing like seeing loved ones in person, face-to-face. Well, this year, family on my great grandmother’s side came together to plan a family reunion within a month.

When the day of the reunion came love filled the entire park. It was my first time attending a family reunion for my own family. As I traveled to the reunion, and got off the bridge, I felt the love and positive spirits that came from the park. I learned of a lot of relatives by attending this reunion. I conversed with several of people on a daily basis, and had no idea half of those people were my relatives. It’s always great to know the foundation on which you stand. I was also able to reconnect with family members that I did not see in years.

It is important to know and understand what family means, and the love a family can bring. No, family isn’t perfect, and sometimes they can be difficult. However, if possible family is a source of love that is different from others. A family reunion often occurs for three main reasons. To bring family together, to share stories of our loved ones that may not be here anymore, and connect with one another. Many family reunions occur during the summertime as kids are out of school, and schedules can be adjusted easily.

In many families the only time we learn of new relatives and converse with them is at a funeral. A lot of families only come together to share tears of a fallen loved one, and the celebration of life at the repass. It is very important for families to come together for a positive reason. It’s family. I know many people would love to see their dear, but distant, family members while they can.

It also important to know how to keep a family together when the foundation of the family has passed away. Often times, when the rock of the family passes away we tend to slip away from each other. We don’t call, hang out or gather as much as the lost of the patriarch or matriarch looms over the family. In order for families to stay together we must keep the traditions of family gatherings going long after the rocks of the family had left. The rocks of the family, in many instances, sacrificed greatly for family. It is an honor to their legacy to keep the family strong.

The craziness of life can cause us to forget that no matter how spread out we are, how often we communicate, or how often family members fuss and fight, family love is the best love.

Everyone is different, and far from perfect, when it comes to family that is in part what makes the family construct unique. Yes, every family goes through rough patches, and people may go a period of time without speaking to each other. However, in a time of need most of the grudges are thrown out the window.

Family means everything to me.

Knowledge, culture and heritage is also shared at reunions. We learn of the struggles our ancestors had to endure for us to be here. We learn of how much the world has evolved over times, and most importantly we are reminded that we are not alone in the world. We belong to a family…there are people that love us.

My great grandmother loved all of her family unconditionally, and it showed. She showed all of us what love looked and felt like. The foundation on which my family stands came from a strong black woman. No matter the time or the place my family is always there to love and support one another. Family love is truly the best love. I am forever grateful to be a part of an amazing foundation. In a time where our world is dangerous, and hatred is coming from every corner we need to draw near to family.

Staff Writer; Sha’Nelle V. Harris

One may also connect with this sister via Facebook; S. Harris.

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