(ThySistas.com) There is a fundamental thing that exists amongst women – some are mean and some are not. Women are complex beings and we want what we want. While most of us have dealt with mean girls in some form or fashion in high school or college, who really wants to ...
(ThySistas.com) It can be a challenge to open up when you are going through an internal crisis. In ones mind it seems logical, while in distress, to feel that those closest to you should understand how you feel. When this is the expectation communication drops with the understanding that she gets ...
(ThySistas.com) If one is not careful what a child needs to be taught will be determined by their gender instead of principles that apply to all humanity. Domestic violence, and other forms of assault are serious issues that we must begin to tackle opening in our community. In order to have ...
(ThySistas.com) We all need sisters to talk to that can help us understand life a bit better. Having that person in your corner that is truly willing to listen to you wade through the issues of any given situation is a blessing. Far too many times we pick up the phone ...
(ThySistas.com) While every minute passes, one out of every six women has been the victim of an attempt or completed rape in her lifetime. Considering the substantial number of women across the world this is a ridiculously high number. As of 1998, an estimated 17.7 million women had been victims of ...
(ThySistas.com) Its important to do everything you can to ensure a healthy pregnancy. In addition to staying as stress free as possible, and exercising regularly, many women need to intake more calories to accommodate for the extra person on the inside. The problem is if not careful this is can lead ...
(ThySistas.com) Now not everyone knows what a frontal is so I’ll do the honors of filling you in. A frontal is a hairpiece that is very similar to a closure piece, it is used when wearing wigs, weaves, or other hair extensions. A frontal encloses the entire front area of your ...
(ThySistas.com) You’re out shopping for groceries and see a mother trying to calm her child down. The child is kicking, screaming, swinging at her as you think to yourself “If that was my kid…” and all of the thoughts of disciplining the child comes to mind. We tend to judge a ...
(ThySistas.com) Pregnancy is a huge adjustment to the body, and the lifestyle of the mother for the duration of the time she’s carrying her child. It can be an easier transition to working out while pregnant when working out is a regular part of your life. Some women have been told ...
(ThySistas.com) Hair day is usually a set day that you are ready to tackle the task of getting your hair in order. For many, especially with natural hair, wash day can become a rather lengthy process depending on the state of the hair. Creating a regimen to help manage your hair, ...
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