(ThySistas.com) Imagine this, your are walking along, minding your own energy, living your best life and enjoying the sunshine. Your skin is glowing and edges are in tact. Your career is on point and your co-workers or employees are all flourishing in their own rights. Your home is clean and clear ...
(ThySistas.com) Being a stay at home mother is the most difficult job a woman can hold. Often doing the work of a nutritionist, doctor, therapist, maid, secretary, teacher, etc., for free. There are subtle rewards when you’ve had a long day and you look into your little one’s eyes and get ...
(ThySistas.com) We are in the second half of the year, which could mean revising your goals, fine tuning them or creating new goals to carry you through this next half of the year. We have been told so many times to make sure that we are creating S.M.A.R.T. goals which stands ...
(ThySistas.com) I remember a woman crying alone in a dark room. Over and over again she replayed the day in her head. How did it get so bad? How had she ended up in this hurtful, lonely place? She remembered getting up that morning determined that today would be a good ...
(ThySistas.com) I have come to the conclusion that this past year’s political and societal experience has changed me. I am no longer as idealistic as I once was. And while I still haven’t figured out if that is a good thing or not, I do know this: Having to stand in ...
(ThySistas.com) Sometimes we are told to value what we have and be grateful we are love. Sometimes women settle in the area of their love needs because they have everything else they want in the man. So, he’s driven, educated, compassionate, you are compatible spiritually, and you have like goals so ...
(ThySistas.com) Where is it written that all women are destined to have kids? Is this a foregone conclusion, or the pompous attitude of a society that believes a woman isn’t complete until she gives birth? I’ve tried babysitting, and I’ve tried chaperoning my cousins, all seven at once. And as a ...
(ThySistas.com) If you believe toxic masculinity is a problem once must also understand toxic femininity is just as dangerous. Maybe we don’t understand the use of that term because women are not targeted as predators in the same manner that we view men. Yes, we know there are women that have ...
(ThySistas.com) There’s something that is bothering me. I understand, intimately, the particular damage that is done to anyone who has experienced sexual abuse. It literally shreds the soul and changes who we are. At the very beginning of this #metoo movement, I was up bright and early and quickly added my ...
(ThySistas.com) No woman wants to follow a man with no sense of direction. If he doesn’t know himself and his worth how can he lead you? When a man is weak to the point you have the urge to run over him you won’t follow him. When promises are constantly broken, ...
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