Be Intentional While Setting Your Goals.

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( We are in the second half of the year, which could mean revising your goals, fine tuning them or creating new goals to carry you through this next half of the year.  We have been told so many times to make sure that we are creating S.M.A.R.T. goals which stands for: Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant and Time-based.  All of which are extremely key to remember, as you’re setting your goals.  Moving another step further, let’s be more intentional as we set our goals.

What does being intentional mean as far as setting your goals?  Being intentional means there is a purpose for what you do and say.  Sort of like, what is your “Why” for doing what you are doing.  For example, setting an intentional goal for eating healthier would explaining the “Why” of doing that.  Obviously, eating healthier has positive long-term effects on the overall health of your body.  Simply setting a goal to eat healthier doesn’t always motivate a person to do it as often as they should.

Being more intentional while setting your goals encourages you to engage more with that specific goal.  You may want to start your own clothing line or non-profit to help raise awareness and educate your consumers on a social injustice.  Being intentional about that goal means that you are engaging more with the consumers whom you want to serve.  For example, if you want to open up a soup kitchen for the homeless, you need to find ways to engage with homeless persons to get research or information needed, in order to have a sustainable non-profit.

It’s one thing to simply set goals but when you personalize them more by making those goals, intentional, the manifestation or accomplishments are so much greater.  Many women today are excelling in their careers, as partners and at motherhood.  Setting a goal to start your day at 6am is not benefitting you or your family, if you’re only waking up and scrolling through social media until it’s time for you to actually get out of the bed, and start your day.

Being intentional, in setting that same goal means that 6am you are creating a schedule for what your morning will be that would help kick start a better day for you, your family and/or your colleagues.  For a career woman, that schedule may look like the following: waking up with prayer/meditation, getting a quick workout in, creating a “To-Do List” for the day, prepping a meal for your lunch or dinner, ironing the children clothes for school or preparing the diaper bag essentials for your child’s daycare.  See the difference in being more intentional?

Always ask yourself the “Why” to what you are doing.  Being busy doesn’t always mean that you’re being productive.  You have to be more intentional while setting your goals.  It does nothing to simply post images on a vision board and not actively engage or execute strategies for those images, represent to you.  Moving forward, utilize the method of being  more intentional while setting your specific, measurable, assignable, relevant and time-based goals.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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