(ThySistas.com) Pregnancy can be a beautiful time. You are experiencing a ton of body changes, but you are also closely aware that there is a new life growing in you. As with most things, carrying a life has its growing pains. Everything is not glitter and unicorns. Some expecting moms face ...

(ThySistas.com) It is natural to believe our children are everything to us. We carried them and gave birth to them. For many mothers there are the most valuable thing they have. Nothing is more important than the wellbeing of our kids. We want the best for them in as many areas ...

(ThySistas.com) There may be a sister in your circle that is strong as stone. You know she’s been through hell and back but never seems to break. This sister finds time to meditate, pray, be a wife, mother, sister, friend, and confidant. No matter the hour of day or night she ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s one of the most exciting, challenging and amazing things you can do in your life – but no one ever said becoming a mother wasn’t hard work. It’s about the biggest commitment you can make, and not one that should ever be entered into lightly. Life doesn’t end when ...

(ThySistas.com) The past helps shape who we are today. Unfortunately, many of us did not get the things we were entitled to as a child simply because we existed. Every woman didn’t have the opportunity to be a care free child, loved, protected, and raised in structure and culture. Too many ...

(ThySistas.com) According to Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, in their book called Boundaries, there are 10 Laws of Boundaries.  Before we get to those laws, please understand that establishing boundaries with anyone you come in contact with, is necessary.  No matter if it’s your adorable children, your spouse/partner or ...

(ThySistas.com) Why is it that the wonder, and curiosity of some white women take seem to take precedence over the rights of others? Before anyone gets up in arms we know all white women do not feel the need to reach out and touch others as if they were an exhibit, ...

(ThySistas.com) Pain is a force that can suck the joy and happiness out of your life. Its as thought you are living in a prison and depending on the circumstances that prison is not of your own making.  Many women have lived with various forms of abuse that have scared their ...

(ThySistas.com) Life is full of challenges. Some can be permanently life altering, while others are a matter of perseverance. Either way it is very hard to feel your dreams are being sidelined when it seems like everyone one around you is moving forward with the things you want in life. In ...

(ThySistas.com) As women at some point we have all thought about what we deserve, and fought against treatment from friend, loved ones and significant others we didn’t earn. The one person we never hold accountable for treatment is self. Too many of us focus on who will love, adore, admire, exalt, ...