Black Love; Life After Divorce.

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( There is no easy way to deal with the proceedings of going through a divorce.  Your life doesn’t have to end because your marriage ended.  So many men and women loose themselves in the marriage that once it ends, it’s hard to identify who they are, separate from their partner.  Going through a divorce is a perfect time to reconnect with yourself.  Take this time, to love yourself.  The divorce may have been brutal but your life is just beginning, again.

If you’ve taken a financial loss after the divorce, this may sound crazy, but count it all joy.  Anytime that you lose money from an investment, it’s the perfect time to improve financially.  You may need to downsize or cancel your favorite subscriptions but think about the amounts of money that you will save eventually.  The money that you save, can be the capital that you need to start that business you always wanted to, fix your credit, pay off outstanding debt, etc.

Traveling solo will become so much fun, if you’re open to doing it.  When you travel solo, you don’t have to consider anyone else’s thoughts, opinions, anxieties or concerns.  You can come and go at your leisure and just be present within your environment.  I’m sure you may be used to traveling with your ex-spouse or taking family vacations, but now you can do by yourself or with the kids.  Don’t stop seeing the world because you’re divorced now.  Dust off your passport and go see this beautiful world.

Reconnect with friendships that may have become distant due to your marriage.  When you’re married, you usually share the same friendships which make other friendships become distant.  Maybe your ex-spouse didn’t prefer you hanging out with someone for whatever reason, now you can.  Mend relationships that have been broken due to the marriage.  Be open and honest when you are mending those relationships, explain why the relationship severed and give the person the time, respect and the space needed to reconnect with you, if that’s their choice.  Don’t be too pushy or impose on their lives because you are starting a new life.

You can learn a new skill or hobby after a divorce.  You have some free time now, so use this free time as an opportunity to do something that you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t do because of the time, commitment and dedication that consumed you during the marriage.  Go back to school and learn a new trade or ways to enhance your current career or to start your journey towards a new career path.  I’ll say again, there is life after a divorce.

Your marital status doesn’t dictate the paths that you travel in life.  The death of a marriage can be the birth of a new mindset and new ideas to enhance your life.  After a divorce, you can create the friendships you want, the financial freedom you want, venture out on a new career or launch a business, etc.  You can truly live your best life, after a divorce.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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