(ThySistas.com) The manufacturing sector still offers fantastic opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs to thrive. There’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re the mastermind behind products that improve lives. Then again, creating those winning items is only a small part of the masterplan. To truly accomplish great things, you need to show ...

(ThySistas.com) A Washington Post study found that nearly three-quarters of black women worry about having enough money to pay their bills. Many black women have challenges developing confidence and self-esteem when it comes to creating financial wellness. A study by Prudential Financial found that African American women are very critical of ...

(ThySistas.com) Attending network events, both large and small can be an effective way of improving all areas of your business. It allows you to build relationships with valuable contacts and stay up to date with trends within your sector. These events can also encourage you to share ideas and learn from ...

(ThySistas.com) Going to college involves a lot of first experiences. It’s likely to be the first time you’ve not lived at home with your parents. You’ve probably never had to live with a group of strangers before. But most importantly, you are now in control of your finances for the first ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s a scary time for moms when their child is getting ready to choose a college to go to. After all, it feels like they were just in nappies five minutes ago. But now they are spreading their wings and heading out into the big wide world! And as you ...

(ThySistas.com) Let’s face it; there are times where we all must take a break from our lives and go on vacation! For many of us, that means heading to a rural retreat somewhere in the country. It’s a chance for us to get away from the modern world and seek ...

(ThySistas.com) For many of us, surgery is something we go through at least once in our lives. Although going under the knife is a scary procedure, it is very common and is a routine event in hospitals nationwide. Surgery can be performed for a number of different reasons. Sometimes, it is ...

(ThySistas.com) With the amount of mass shootings we’ve seen in the U.S. in 2016, it’s left many people wondering when it’ll end. Something tragic seems to happen every day in America, and it’s leaving people not only sad, but feeling an injustice and even wanting revenge. There are more mass shootings ...

(ThySistas.com) Starting a new job can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences ever. Even though it can be exciting too, it can easily make you nervous. You’ll be in a new company and environment, with new people and responsibilities. It can all feel a bit overwhelming for the first few ...

(ThySistas.com) Nobody wants to have a run-in with the law in their life. But, it’s something that can happen, even to the best of us. What is important is that you know how to deal and that you take decisive action accordingly. Expect A Court Date If you have committed a ...