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Strapped For Cash At College? Don’t Panic!

October 13, 2016 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comGoing to college involves a lot of first experiences. It’s likely to be the first time you’ve not lived at home with your parents. You’ve probably never had to live with a group of strangers before. But most importantly, you are now in control of your finances for the first time ever too. Many college students find effective money management difficult to achieve, to begin with. This can often result in them spending too much in a short amount of time. While you could ask your parents to help you out, this is not always possible and can be embarrassing. But even if you are a bit strapped for cash, there is no need to panic. Try these quick ways of making money instead.

Publish an eBook

Writing essays and researching subjects is something you are likely to do on a regular basis at college. So why not put these skills to good use. If you’re particularly knowledgeable about a subject, you could make money by writing an eBook. This will not only be a big accomplishment but can give you the cash you need. You have the freedom to write about anything you wish from children’s stories to how-to guides. Once written, you can then publish and advertise2016black-college your book on sites like the Amazon Kindle Store. To increase your chances of selling, create an attractive cover and set a realistic price.

Sell your scribbles

Believe it or not, there are other college students out there who would be willing to pay for your notes. They might have missed a class due to an illness, or their notes might have been lost or destroyed. Whatever the reason, selling the scribbles you make during your classes could be a solution to your problem. There are a number of different websites like Noteutopia that allow you to upload and sell your notes online. You will receive your money when other students download your note files. While many of these sites do accept copies of handwritten notes, you can charge more for typed notes. They are also more likely to be downloaded. So take a few moments to type up your class notes then upload and make some cash.

Online surveys

Online surveys have become a popular way for students to make some quick cash for groceries or bills. Companies that provide these paid surveys are continually looking for new members. The majority of surveys take just a few moments to complete and can be based on a whole host of topics. You will then get paid a set amount once you have completed each one. This might only be a small amount, but this can steadily increase as you fill more surveys in. It’s important to remember that not all online survey providers are the same. So to make sure you sign up to secure and trustworthy sites, use review sites like Surveys Say.

Learning how to manage your money is part of the college experience. So use these techniques to make some quick cash, but also learn from your mistakes. That way you can maintain a healthy balance of being practical and enjoying yourself.

Staff Writer; Sarah Francis

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