Saturday, September 14, 2024

Preparing The Future: How You Can Arrange For A Time When You’re No Longer There.

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(ThySistas.comIt’s something that nobody likes to think about, but there comes a time for all of us when we’re no longer around. We all know that day will come, and medical advances mean that it can be one day way off in the future. But you can’t fight it forever, and blinding yourself to it is pointless. To be straight up about it, we need to face the fact that everyone dies, eventually.

Now let’s be clear. This doesn’t mean that we have to walk around constantly thinking about it. Not every decision that we make must be governed by the knowledge that we aren’t going to live forever. It’s something that you can accept without wallowing in it. If every decision you make in life is affected by that thought, you’re not living.

One way of keeping it from becoming a repeated theme in your life is to make sure you prepare. When you have made your arrangements123olderblackcouple well in advance, you can get on with life and enjoy every day, in the realistic hope there will be a lot more days. So what arrangements do you need to make? As you get older, what do you need to think about?

Provide For Those Left Behind

It is a surprising statistic, but although 85% of people agree life insurance is necessary, barely 60% have it. There are plenty of reasons for this, not least the fact that it costs money. People don’t like to think about the end, and so don’t want to be forking over part of their pay every month to cover for it. But it’s never too early to start thinking about putting money aside for insurance.

Neither is it too late. As information from shows, you can still start to put cover in place. Even after you’ve retired, paying a monthly premium can make a big difference. Remember it wasn’t all that long ago that life expectancy was about half of what it is now. It’s worth taking into account the fact that people are having longer retirements as time goes on.

Arrange For The Immediate Aftermath

Let’s acknowledge the fact that when we’re gone, those left behind will be upset. It’s one thing to know that this happens to us all, and that a person lived well. It’s another altogether to accept it when it happens. And really the last thing someone needs when dealing with a bereavement is the prospect of arranging a funeral.

One advantage to putting money aside, including in insurance payments, is that you can take care of the costs. Rather than having to worry about where the money is coming from, your loved ones will be able to focus on respecting your life and your wishes. Taking this responsibility now means you don’t need to worry about it later. You can save up to $50,000 in some places.

Have You Made A Will?

When we’re no longer around, our place in the world is left empty. One aspect of this that a lot of people don’t consider is that we are no longer there to play peacemaker. If two people that we loved very much are not on the best of terms, this can mean disagreements about how our passing is dealt with.

If you have earthly possessions and money that you wish to pass on, then it is essential to make a will. This should be updated regularly – at least once a year – and after any major changes. The loss of a loved one, or a change in living arrangements, can be considered a significant change. So, too, can any new births in the family. There is some good information found here:

A will made long in the past may not be relevant at the time of your passing. This can lead to legal challenges, and more heartache for those who just want to remember you fondly.

Set Aside Time For These Essentials

Whatever age you are, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve still got a lot of living left to do. So it makes sense to set aside time to think about the essentials, handle what you can handle, and then move on. Dwelling on questions of what happens when you’re gone doesn’t help you make the most of the rest of your life.

And Remember…

While there is nothing you can do about the fact that one day you won’t be here, you can make sure part of you lives on. The way you live your life, the example you set and the lives you touched mean you’re never entirely gone. So don’t focus on death – keep your mind on how you live instead.

Staff Writer; Sherry Love


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