Thursday, July 25, 2024

Exercise Smart, Exercise Fun.

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( We all know we should exercise, right? It’s been drummed into us for years, and everyone knows why it’s important to stay fit. Exercising won’t just help you lose weight, it will keep your body working and improve your general health, lifespan, and quality of life. Except… it isn’t that simple. There are millions of people across the world who struggle to find the motivation to exercise, no matter how important they know it is. The reasons for this are simple. Exercise can be hard, it can be boring, and it can be unsatisfying. You all know the feeling – when you exercise for hours one day and only feel tired and sore, it can be hard to find the motivation to exercise again. However, this just means you’re not doing it right! It’s time to ditch the gym, ditch the running shoes, ditch the bike, and find a way of exercising that works for you.


You might not think it’s for you, but boxing is a proven way to burn the calories with a high-intensity workout whilst staying motivated and excited. With a boxing workout, you’ll be learning new skills, as well as working off any built-up aggression from other areas of your life! It can be surprisingly cathartic. Don’t worry if you don’t feel ready for a public boxing class – there are plenty of online sessions you can complete in your own home, and still feel the burn.

Yard Games

If you have any outdoor space or even a nearby park, yard games are an amazing way to exercise. You can play with your friends, partner or children, and find different ways to work up a sweat whilst socializing and having fun. There are plenty of options, but one sport growing in popularity is Pickleball – it’s sort of a cross between tennis, badminton and ping pong. You don’t need much equipment to get started, just the best pickleball paddles and a net! If you enjoy active games like this, you’ll forget that it counts as exercising in the first place. Check here latest and best pickleball paddles.


Along the same lines, dancing can be one of the best ways to trick yourself into exercising even if you hate the thought of it! You don’t need to be a pro, or even the slightest bit co-ordinated. All you need is enthusiasm, and to be prepared to never want to stop. There are loads of dance classes on youtube if you’d rather start at home, or you’ll easily be able to find a local dance or Zumba class to suit your needs, even if you’ve never danced before in your life.

Running Aids

It might be that you prefer to stick with traditional workout methods such as running, but you still struggle to find the motivation for a regular routine. If this is the case, apps like Zombies, Run! could be the solution you’re looking for. They use audio narratives and instructions to keep your run interesting, mixing it up with different paces, so you can run around your neighborhood whilst imagining you’re being chased by zombies, or on another planet, or a whole host of fun scenarios!

If that isn’t up to your liking, one can always try something new. Pickleball is becoming more popular day by day.

Check latest Pickleball Paddles Here:

Staff Writer; Susan Brown

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