(ThySistas.com) When you are the person everyone brings their issue to it’s hard to keep the amount of energy needed to take care of you. It is okay to love all of the sistahs in your circle. Some of them are like daughters, others are mentee, and some are on ...
(ThySistas.com) Most people want to live a peaceful comfortable life. They want to be loved and respected by those that matter to them. It would be wonderful if we could add a well-paying job that doesn’t have a toxic work environment. Furthermore, if one’s health is in good condition it ...
(ThySistas.com) 2020 is supposed to be a year of opportunity. It’s supposed to be a period of time where you can do anything, be anything, and achieve all your goals. However, how do you expect to do this when you aren’t in good health? How do you expect to possibly ...
(ThySistas.com) There is nothing worse than seeing a friend hurting, and it can make you want to do all you can to see them in a better place. As sisters in community it is important to stand together when challenges come. We need to know there is someone there willing ...
(ThySistas.com) We all know that sister that has a groan every day, and twice on Sunday. Its hard to have a conversation with her because everything out of her mouth is negative. If you offer positivity it is shot down or viewed as dismissing her feelings. Sometimes it can be ...
(ThySistas.com) When looking for a new job, you may feel the need to cast your net as far as possible. This will involve sending out your résumé to numerous prospective employers in the hope that at least a few of them will invite you in for an interview. There are ...
(ThySistas.com) It can be said that’s important to have something to believe in. When I was a kid my grandmother used to harp on the need for decency and order. She was a Deaconess and would talk for hours about the order of the church, and of the home. I ...
(ThySistas.com) Thanksgiving and Christmas is supposed to be about good food. This is some of the best food we partake of all year. So much care and tradition go into each recipe, and it literally makes the soul happy. Granted we acknowledge that as of late it seems people want ...
(ThySistas.com) The Persuaders declared that “there’s a thin line between love and hate”. Nearly 50 years later those same words ring true. Both are emotions with a lot of passion attached. One false move can turn a beautiful fit of adoration into a hate fest. The same goes for self-care ...
(ThySistas.com) Hair loss is a struggle that affects thousands of people around the world every year, but with technological advancements and a number of cosmetic procedures available, could this be the end of the hair loss struggle as we know it? In this article, we will be providing you with ...
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