Thursday, July 25, 2024

Disconnect Some in 2020.

December 31, 2019 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The society we live in moves at 100mph, and we are always plugged into something. Whether we are surfing the web, logged in to social media, distracted by notifications, or connected to toxic people something has hooks in us. This need to be plugged in, or connected, has had a hand in blurring the lines of reality, news verses entertainment, and has given a false sense of community. Granted some people have met some amazing people through social media, or even gaming, that have become their family how we connect is still problematic as a whole. The need to be plugged in its own drug, and many of us need rehabilitation.

When was the last time you work up without rolling over to your phone? When was the last time you used an alarm clock that wasn’t on your phone? Do you check your posts for likes? Are you seeking validation from someone that give you nothing but negativity? How long can you sit and relax without being on the phone…or has it been included in your quality time? As we approach a new year it may be a positive step in the direction of self-care and mental health to disconnect some.

No one is saying throw out all of your social media, and only use the phone for call and text. No one is saying cut off every person that is toxic, because it may be circumstantial. However, when something becomes an addiction to the point it threatens your peace, job, and relationships you have to consider doing something to bring balance to your life. Everything we see on social media is not real. Yes, we are supposed to know this, but it needs to be said. Everyone on social media that has you saved as a friend is not your friend. If you think about it, there are probably a ton of people that follow you and you don’t know them. However, you know the child you ignore because you are occupied by the plug. You know your loved ones that, that aren’t toxic, and you know your significant other. When you can’t have a serious conversation without checking your phone something is wrong. Likewise, when you feel obligated to answer the call of someone that only means to dump on you something is wrong.

Moderation and balance are not words that just apply to our diet. They apply to every aspect of life. Consider starting off small by setting aside 30 min whereby you disconnect and plug into the world around you. If you are able to do more that’s great. If you want to engage that should be your want…not your necessity. In an effort to render more self-care consider social media fasts. During that set aside time spend time with those that add value to your life.

Check out the movies, listen to a new album, take refreshing walks, mediated and focus on being there in that moment. Trust me social media will be there when you are done and like a soap opera you will pick up like you never left. If you need to have time set aside whereby you don’t entertain certain phone calls, or text conversations, do so. Remember you pay your cellphone bill…talk to whoever you want whenever you want.

The disconnect is real, and many of us need it whether we acknowledge it or not. We need time where life isn’t so virtual or toxic. It’s okay to tend to yourself without feeling the need to plug in and check on social media for your daily dose of validation. Let 2020 be a year of balance and reclamation…reclaim yourself on your terms.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.

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