(ThySistas.com) My state has re-opened. My city is starting to move again. That movement is slow, and it is slower than the rest of Louisiana, but it is happening. As people begin to exit the lockdown is seems many have decided Covid-19 wasn’t that real, or it is no longer ...

(ThySistas.com) Your car is going to be one of the biggest expenses in your lifetime. It’s a big upfront cost, and it’s a long term running cost you’ll have to cope with too, and who knows when your old vehicle is going to pack up and force you to invest ...

(ThySistas.com) If you have someone in your life that adores food, there can be no better gift for them than something to tickle their tastebuds. If they love cooking up a gastronomic storm, trying weird and wonderful cuisine, or trying out the newest local restaurants, think about a foodie gift ...

(ThySistas.com) The daily grind of working and dealing with stressful situations gradually chips away at you over your lifetime. So it’s essential to take time to restore your energy and bounce back from setbacks with multiple self-care practices. Otherwise, you risk becoming trapped and wrapped up in a whirlwind of ...

(ThySistas.com) The COVID-19 pandemic closely followed by the widespread BLM protests all over the world have taken a global society that has been simmering for some time and stoked them up to boiling point. Many of us are feeling scared, confused, agitated, anxious or simply exhausted. And while the lockdown ...

(ThySistas.com) Buying a property is a huge decision, there are so many different things you’ll need to consider and make sure are right before parting with your hard earned cash. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the moment when you see a house you love, and overlook some ...

(ThySistas.com) “A teacher’s job is easy.” Oh how wrong you are. Like parents, teachers are one of the building blocks to any and every career.  While they make it look easy, it takes a lot of practice, long hours of planning, and a true love for what they do.  During ...

(ThySistas.com) Sam Cooke said it, and his voice definitely believed it.  Now it is our turn. The American Education System has banked on children having a physical location with actual human beings in order to teach.  Education reforms like “No Child Left Behind”, “Every Student Succeeds”, and “All Means All” ...

(ThySistas.com) There are literally thousands of different business startup ideas that you can consider. Each of them is rewarding, but if you’re thinking of doing something a little unusual, you may wish to consider becoming a rural Internet provider. According to Statista, there are over 293 million Internet users in ...

(ThySistas.com) “You can’t stop the rain When it starts to fall There’s no one else to blame You can’t lock that door” -Loose Ends I always knew that Loose Ends was just talking about love and what happens when I get to difficult times. Then, I realized this song is ...