The Best Career Moves If You Want to Be a Leader.
( Some people want to follow, while others want to lead. If you’re someone who feels much more comfortable being in charge, moving into a leadership position in your career is likely to make you much happier. By choosing the right industry, you can discover a range of leadership opportunities that allow you to grow your career.
The Automotive Industry
The auto industry has traditionally been a man’s world, but there has recently been a large increase in the number of female leaders in the industry. For example, Mara Barry has been CEO of General Motors since 2014, and the company is the highest ranking in the Fortune 500 with a female leader.
The Retail Industry
It’s not difficult to spot women working in the retail industry, and many take on managerial positions too. It’s also a good choice of industry if you want to take on executive leadership positions. Kohl’s reported better financial results after Michelle Grass became CEO.
Finance and Investment
The finance industry is often seen as a boy’s club, but there are increasing opportunities for women to take up leadership positions too. There has been an increase in the number of female employees and this could boost women in leadership roles as well.
The Healthcare Industry
Women are the bedrock of the healthcare industry, particularly when it comes to nursing and other caring roles. However, there are fewer women in leadership roles and they are sorely needed. Women can provide a different perspective and approach to leadership in healthcare.
Infographic Design By Bradley University
Staff Writer; Lisa James