Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How Hiring Professional Services Can Enhance Your Business.

July 11, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) As any entrepreneur knows only too well, the life of a business owner is a busy one! From doing the accounts to handling HR, promoting the company, meeting potential customers, providing customer service to existing customers, chasing invoices, paying invoices, there is very little time left over to get everything you need to […]

5 Ways That Friendships Change After 30.

Fast forward to adulthood, I’m talking age 30 plus. That BFF who you spent all of your days with and all of your nights on the phone with during what felt like were the most critical years of your life is now married with children, lives 9 states away and works 52 hours per week. As for you, you have 4 jobs, a side hustle, a dog, a significant other 6 seasons of 5 shows in cue between Netflix and Hulu.

Be Fair with Your Body.

Try not to be so focused on the weight that you are unable to hear reason which can lead to injury. If those in your corner are positive, and constantly uplifting you let them verses tearing down everything they say. Basically, let your support circle love on you, and help you. This is the group you don’t want to alienate by being defensive and verbally harsh. It is understandable that you want to see the best version of yourself as soon as possible but be fair with your body.

Ways that My Parents Influenced My Adult Behaviors.

When you have a moment, ask yourself, how has your parent’s influence your adult behaviors?  Answer this question regardless if you had an absentee parent or if your parents eventually divorced.  Really look deep into your past childhood and assess why you do the things that you do now as an adult, this activity will be life changing for you if you really put some thought into it.

How Your Business Can Reduce The Risk Of A Bad Hire.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) There are all kinds of reasons why businesses hire the wrong people. As examples: The hiring process can be rushed, especially when there is a pressing need to fill available vacancies. The business owner might be vague about the work a new employee needs to do. The employee may have lied on their […]

4 Ways Your Lifestyle Affects Your Career.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves to boost their promotion chances, but things aren’t the same outside of the workplace. While life at home and your career might seem compartmentalized, the truth is that they are linked. Yes, some daily lifestyle habits help us get to the peak of our […]

Money Saving Tricks To Keep Your Business in The Black.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) As a business owner, it is guaranteed that you would like your business to be as profitable as possible. To do so takes lots of hard work dedication and drive. Ideally, your number one aim would be to exponentially increase sales and see your profits increase with no delay. However, most business owners […]

So You Want To Be Happy?

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Happiness is often something that so many of us are looking to achieve. And yet, it can seem impossible to find. Why? What is it about happiness that seems so out of reach? In reality, happiness can be achieved by all – you just need to know how to look for it, and […]

Every Black Man is Not Enchanted by White Women.

White women need to understand all of our men are not chasing you…as we aren’t chasing all of your men. Those couples that love deeply, regardless of race, let them do so in peace. As for everyone else its time to live in the truth that there are women, other than white women, that are worth loving.

Be Secure in Your Faith.

So if you have been adhering to the methods in the scriptures from the first paragraph, you should be so secure in your faith knowing that God will take care of you and strengthen you before, during and after any situation.  He is the Creator of life and all things in it so who is better to secure your faith in?  No one.

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