Be Secure in Your Faith.

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( “Lord, who can live in your sacred tent?  Who can stay on your holy mountain?  Anyone who lives without blame and does what is right.  They speak the truth from their heart.  They don’t tell lies about other people.  The don’t do wrong to their neighbors.  They don’t say anything bad about them.  They hate evil people.  But they honor those who have respect for the Lord.  They keep their promises even when it hurts.  They do not change their mind.  They lend their money to poor people without charging interest.  They don’t accept money to harm those who aren’t guilty.  Anyone who lives like that will always be secure.” – Psalm 15

This chapter in the book of Psalm to me, is kind of like the remix to the 10 Commandments.  In this chapter above, the psalmist David is sharing with us how to be secure in our faith.  Just as we spend hours “securing the bag” building our wealth or business, we need to take that same energy and put it into being secure in our faith.  In other words, become the expert in your faith!

Being secure in your faith looks different for everyone, but however, we all should value the same key methods to walk boldly in our lives believing by faith.  Often times, people faith wavers due to indecisiveness.  They simply are unsure in making a critical decision and therefore they others to place fears onto them.  When you are secure in your faith you don’t as the scripture said, “change your mind.”  You make a decision and live with that decision, knowing and trusting that your faith in God will produce something better to come.

By faith, we say that we believe that God can do exceedingly, abundantly and above all things that we could ever ask or think of but yet, we operate in fear, daily.  Why is that?  The only answer that I can come up with is because we’re not confident in the choices that we make because of the fear of the unknown that affects our lives.

Being secure in your faith looks like that moment when God downloads something in to your spirit for you to do, you can confidently act on it almost immediately.  Fear will tell you to second guess what was downloaded, ask God for signs, miracles and wonders so you know clearly that you heard from Him, etc.  This is the quickest way for you NOT to get all that God has for you.   God promises us in Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

So if you have been adhering to the methods in the scriptures from the first paragraph, you should be so secure in your faith knowing that God will take care of you and strengthen you before, during and after any situation.  He is the Creator of life and all things in it so who is better to secure your faith in?  No one.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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