3 Tips for Reducing Unnecessary Hazards in Your Life.

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(ThySistas.com) Life can be pretty dangerous, all things considered, and that’s just the way things are.

If you try to avoid any and all risks in your life, you would naturally end up having a pretty dull existence – and you’d still come up against plenty of tragedy along the way, too. 

To achieve anything meaningful you’ve got to be willing to take risks, and it’s difficult to live a fulfilling life if you’re always jumping at shadows.

But although risks are a natural part of life, there’s no reason why you have to take unnecessary risks, or expose yourself to unnecessary hazards – and yet many people still do, by accident, and due to poor decision-making, alike, and often pay for it dearly.

Here are a few tips for reducing unnecessary hazards in your life.

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the tools you use, and select them carefully

There are all sorts of tools you probably rely on in your everyday life to get things done, and to protect you from hazards that could rear their ugly head at any moment.

Some of these tools are going to be pretty irrelevant for the most part – things like your eReader, or TV. But, some of those tools can be extremely important for ensuring your safety – and it’s essential that you understand their strengths and weaknesses properly, and select them carefully.

Mesh vs cellular alarm monitoring fire alarm systems, for example, both send out an emergency signal when the alarm system your house goes off. But the cellular systems are more likely to fail at various points, and could easily not be working on any given day, due to issues with a cell phone tower, or Internet connection point.

In this case, therefore, using a mesh system could help to significantly offset some hazards in your life.

  • Develop your situational awareness, and avoid being in environments where things are more likely to go wrong

Everyone should take self defense classes, and everyone should have access to a good first aid kit in case they need it. But, the surest way of avoiding trouble is always going to be developing a good degree of situational awareness, and avoiding being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There are certain environments where things are just more likely to go wrong in various ways. And actively avoiding these environments – or at least, going into them with a full awareness of the risks, and being prepared – can dramatically reduce the odds that you’re going to get into trouble.

If you’re very allergic to bees, try not to walk too close to commercial hives. And if you know a certain area of the city has a high rate of street crime, try not to spend much time there – especially at night.

  • Work to make the systems in your life robust and resilient, and add in redundancies

If there was a problem with your car, or the local infrastructure in your area, and you weren’t able to go down to the supermarket for a week or so, would you still have food to eat in the meantime?

Many of the systems we use in our everyday lives aren’t very robust. They count on things being nice and easy, more or less at all times.

When things go wrong, though, it pays to have “redundancies” built in. In other words, plan for the unexpected, and prepare in advance.

Staff Writer; Mary Ford