Tips For Renting Your First Office.

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( Signing the contract to rent out your first office space can be an exciting time in your business However accepting the first space that comes along can turnout the be a big mistake . It’s important to make sure that you pick an office that supports your teams needs and allows you to reach your business goals and thrive. We’ve put together a few things to consider before taking on your first office space. 

Tips for Renting Your First Office Space

Think About Whether Your Need The Space

In the past business used to need dedicated office spaces to survive and thrive. However now it is very usual for many work space to be based in home offices, co-working spaces, hot desks or even part time work pods. Decide on whether your business really needs a dedicated bricks and mortar space or if it could be better for you financially to work out of an alternative environment for the time being. 

Pick The Right Location 

If you decide that having a dedicated office space is required, then research into ideal locations for yourself and your team. You need to make sure that your team will be able to commute there in a reasonable time or in an area that will get you the most potential skilled employees for your business.

Is It Easy To Get To?

Also keep the fact that you will want to have clients or potential business partners at your new office. Make sure you are easily accessible by public transport and that there are parking spaces nearby for those who drive. 

What Is There To Do Nearby?

Make sure that you consider the local amenities when renting your first office. Nearby restaurants, retail shops and fitness facilities are always things that are important to employees. It’s also useful to be close banks and printing shops as they are somewhere that you may be using frequently. 

Know How much You Have To Spend 

Once you’ve picked your location, choosing a space that fits your budget can be a huge concern. Don’t feel tempted to take on a flashy office space to impress clients if you cant really afford it. Putting your company into debt will not help your company flourish in the long run.  Crunch the numbers and find a way to make renting a new space fit comfortably into your budget. 

Account for Extra Expenses

Just like moving into a new house there are plenty of unexpected expenses that can come with renting out an office space. You may need to hire a commercial electrician  or a plumber. As we know these expenses can add up extremely quickly so make sure not to forget them in your original budgeting figures. 

Think To The Future

Before you sign the lease think about where you envision your business in 5 or ten year’s time. If you are expecting your business to grow and develop make sure you’ve picked an office that can incorporate that to save you from having to repeat the process in potentially two year’s time. 

Staff Writer; Carla Jacobs