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3 Tips for Getting a Deeper Sense of Adventure on Your Travels.

July 4, 2019 by  
Filed under Opinion, Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

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( Often, when we go travelling, the point is pretty much to relax, unwind, and leave the responsibilities of normal life behind for a while.

But, at other times, the whole reason we get away from home isn’t to “chill out,” but to have an adventure, and to collect some of those memories that make life interesting.

If you’re out on a vacation looking for adventure, then you’re pretty likely to be disappointed if you stick to all the conventional tourist routes and hotspots, and don’t take any chances, or try anything different.

Here are a few tips for actually getting a deeper sense of adventure on your travels, especially if you’ve been disappointed before.

  • Travel in an RV

Travelling in an RV is a completely different experience to travelling by plane, train, or automobile, and staying in hotels. And, in fact, travelling in an RV may be one of the best ways of ensuring you get to have a more adventurous time on your travels.

When you’re in RV, you are, pretty much by default, on a road trip and are in a position to easily head off at a moment’s notice to explore new locations, and try out new things.

Your entire “camp,” so to speak, is the vehicle you’re driving around in, and there’s little to stop you parking someone new every night, and exploring somewhere new every day.

If you rent an RV from a company like Halterman’s RV, you may not necessarily end up covering a huge amount of ground. But you have the option to – and that’s where a lot of the adventure lies.

  • Push yourself to try unusual things that fall outside your comfort zone

If you do the same things you always do at home, when travelling, why would you expect that your experience would be an “adventure?”

“Adventure” is mostly a matter of experiencing new things, taking risks, and expanding your horizons in one way or another. If you are just staying in your comfort zone, it’s more or less impossible to have those kinds of adventurous experiences – unless some external situation forces you to respond.

When you’re travelling, push yourself to try unusual things that fall outside your comfort zone – just so long as they are not against your values or your ethics.

Trying a new type of food, going SCUBA-diving, and all sorts of other things can give you a whole new insight in life, and often a decent adrenaline rush, too.

  • Plan things out a bit less, and “go with the flow” a bit more

It’s not very easy to feel that you are having an adventure, if you are simply crossing off items on a highly specific checklist that you drew up months ago – but a lot of us, when we travel, do like to have everything perfectly mapped out, with flawless itineraries that account for every spare minute of the day.

Sure, you should have some idea of a few of the highlights you want to see when you’re travelling, and you should consider basic logistics such as opening times for various attractions, but if it’s an adventure you’re after, it could be a good idea to go with the flow more and to plan things out a bit less.

Maybe you wake up one day on your travels and decide that something on the horizon looks interesting enough to check out. So, maybe checking it out is the right way to go after all, even if it’s not in the itinerary.

Staff Writer; Carla Poole

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