3 Forms of Self-Care That Makes You More Resilient.

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(ThySistas.comWhen you think of “self-care,” what is it that actually comes to mind? Odds are, that if you’re like most of us, you pretty much associate the term with getting as relaxed as possible, and putting all your responsibilities aside.

So, for example, bingeing on Netflix like it’s nobody’s business, or going out for drinks with your girls.

That stuff’s all well and good, in the right balance, but it would be pretty hard to argue that it actually makes you more resilient or “develops” you in any particular way.

The best kind of self-care may just be the kind of self-care that does make you more resilient, and that improves you in various ways across the board. So, here are some examples of that kind of self-care that you can start adding to the mix.


  • Stretching and sports therapy sessions


Stretching and sports therapy sessions can feel just as good as any spa weekend, and can do plenty of good for your physical health, energy levels, and ability to put up with stress, too.

The body holds a lot of tension when we’re going through stressful times, and that tension can pull our joints out of alignment, stress our organs, potentially lead to hormone imbalances, and more.

When you go for a specially-structured Pilates session, you’re not just learning how to look like gymnast. You’re also releasing the tension from your body, putting things back in proper alignment, and helping to boost your energy levels at the same time.

If you’ve got a nagging ache or pain – such as in your lower back – or you’re just generally feeling bad – think about booking yourself in for a sports therapy session.


  • Listening to empowering audiobooks


When you want to chill out after a long day at work, you could just watch movies and TV shows, or listen to the latest chart hits.

But if you listened to empowering audiobooks, instead, you could probably get just as relaxed and centred, while also getting a healthy dose of motivation and insight that you can use to improve the direction of your life.

The best thing is there are audiobooks to help you with just about every part of your life. Want to become more organised? There are audiobooks to help you with that. Want to work up the inspiration to start your own business? Plenty of audiobooks for that, too.


  • Giving yourself the luxury of more sleep


It’s really weird that we consider sleep to be a luxury, but there it is. After a long week of work, getting by on pretty much nothing but coffee, many of us treat the Saturday lie-in like a decadent delight.

The bottom line, though, is that the more sleep you get (up to the point of feeling rested) the healthier you will be, the sharper your mind will be, and the better you’ll perform in all aspects of your life.

So, give yourself the luxury of more sleep as often as you can. Go as far as to cut out evening entertainment and social activities for the sake of sleep.

It’ll feel great, and it’ll do you a lot of good.

Staff Writer; Sherry Moore