Friday, July 26, 2024

Cardi B from Stripper to Superstar.

March 16, 2018 by  
Filed under Ent., Opinion, Weekly Columns

Back in 2013, Cardi B began to gain lots of publicity due to her social media accounts going viral from videos and pictures of the young star.

The Best Musical Performers To See Live.

March 16, 2018 by  
Filed under Ent., Music, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( What you might consider the best musical performer will all depend on what type of music you’re into. Don’t get us wrong, there are so really great performers out there, but at the same time there are some really terrible ones. When you’re spending your money on sites like to buy tickets for a […]

Cut Off Sister Toxic.

You deserve to be loved, and cared for as much as you love and care. Free yourself from the selfishness while you can.

Siblings Shouldn’t Misuse Each Other.

Siblings should never be allowed to misuse each other, but to always cherish and support one another with reciprocity.

Sometimes He Lets You Win.

Working together must remain the focus verses needing to be right…as every discussion isn’t a debate to win.

First Dates: How to Avoid the Socially Awkward Moments.

You cannot go on a date already thinking the worst of the other person. Don’t sabotage your date by making up stories in your mind like, etc…

Anger Doesn’t Excuse Disrespect.

No one in our relationship should practice disrespect…even when they are angry. If men must learn self-control, we must do the same.

How Technology Is Continuing To Reshape Politics.

Tweet ( We’re living in a world that is ever in flux. Close your eyes for a minute, and something will have changed when you open them again! This is due, in part, to technology, which is changing just about everything about modern life, from our homes to how we work and yes, of course, to […]

Artificial Intelligence In Your Business.

Tweet ( It sounds like a big deal, but truth be told we’re already using artificial intelligence in our daily lives! Look at SIRI as a good example here for anyone with an iPhone, and Alexa for anyone who likes the comfort of an knowledge database (who can also turn your lights on and off!) to […]

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