The Best Musical Performers To See Live.

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( What you might consider the best musical performer will all depend on what type of music you’re into. Don’t get us wrong, there are so really great performers out there, but at the same time there are some really terrible ones. When you’re spending your money on sites like to buy tickets for a concert of a performance, you want to make sure it’s going to be worth your time and money. So we’ve picked out some of the best musical performers that we think you’d love to see live, from a range of different genres. Have a read on to find out more.

Pop Music

Arguably one of the best pop performers to see live is Ed sheeran. Once busking on the street, he is now playing concerts all over the world that are bringing in thousands of viewers each time. He has a way of interacting with the crowd that is just amazing, and few artists actually have that talent. His music is raw, it isn’t staged, nor is he lip singing. He has a pure talent that just can’t be missed in our opinion. He is going to be touring in Australia very soon, and you can buy tickets online easily. Another pop performer that we think is definitely worth seeing is Beyonce. Now, she is generally an R&B artist, but she does incorporate a lot of pop into her music, hence why we think she is perfect for this category. She is a born performer, and again, captures the heart of anyone that goes to see her. She has an extreme talent at putting on a good show with plenty of dancing, special effects, and just a genuinely good time for the audience. 


Hands down Eminem has to be one of the best rappers in the world to see live. Whilst he only seems to tour once in a blue moon, he is soon going to be touring in 2018 once more. His last sell out show was at the Wembley Arena in the UK, and boy did he bring the house down. His music gets people pumped, it gets them passionate about the words he’s saying, and that in turn creates and amazing vibe during his shows. The tickets will be expensive, but what you get in return is going to be more than worth it. You’d also get to see some of his latest and best work live, which is just a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Rock is a minority compared to the other two categories, but boy does it make for a good concert. A rock concert is messy, intense, and the atmosphere is somewhat a mix of rage and excitement. Black Sabbath are a long standing rock band that are still performing worldwide to this day. Their music is intense, but it speaks volumes just like the other two categories. They too have a way of getting the crowd pumped up, but in a way that no other genre could. When a room is full of rock people, with a rock band playing, you’re bound to have an amazing time.

Staff Writer; Sherry Brown