(ThySistas.com) Recent successes in artificial intelligence have got people thinking: what if AI could be used to help women recover from illness and live better lives? It might sound far-fetched, but thanks to companies like IBM, it’s fast becoming a reality. AI is able to read vast swathes of information online ...

(ThySistas.com) In today’s society we are taught to finish school, go to college, and obtain a career in order to reach the “american dream”, but who’s dream are we really living? Success is not something determined by a degree. Look at Rachael Ray, Ellen DeGeneres, Chris Rock and even Jay-Z they ...

(ThySistas.com) Amongst ourselves as women we must resolve to talk to our little girls about what they saw happen January 20, 2017. We must be honest with them about what we, as women, should hold in high regard. For the past eight years our little girls had a solid example of ...

(ThySistas.com) Working from home is hard enough on its own, never mind with kids running around the place. You need to find a way that works for you and clear the home of all negativity so that you can fully concentrate on the work at hand and impress your client or ...

(ThySistas.com) Deciding to invest in your child’s future is a huge and important decision. You have to be very careful about the path you send your child down, as the kind of education they have can often shape the rest of their lives. For many parents and children alike, college is ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s common for kids as young as eight to now have a mobile phone. While it is a great safety tool, it does have a lot of negatives. After all, your child could easily be speaking to strangers without you knowing, and they then could end up in danger. Alongside ...

(ThySistas.com) To be completely honest I have spent the majority of my 35yrs of living hating the very idea of going to a doctor appointment. They are uncomfortable, I don’t like the sitting on pins wait, I’m apprehensive that I will hear I am not well, and we won’t even get ...

(ThySistas.com) We all know that children have short attention spans. As a result, trying to teach religion in the conventional way doesn’t work. You have to make faith fun if you want your kids to get involved, which means doing away with the long sermons and encouraging games and creative methods. ...

(ThySistas.com) Black people especially black women in America are in a constant state of trauma. The realities of everyday racist politicians to never-ending stream of police shootings of unarmed black folk, to the spiritual damage of slavery and beyond. Healing and self-care is needed. Here are six important healing and self-care ...

(ThySistas.com) This year began with many of us resolving to live healthier lives. Some of us are now going to the gym, spas, and yoga studios. As women adding healthy activities to our life brings about positive change. Health, and wellness, in every aspect of our life must be a priority. ...