Friday, July 26, 2024

The ‘First Week At College’ Survival Guide.

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(ThySistas.comDeciding to invest in your child’s future is a huge and important decision. You have to be very careful about the path you send your child down, as the kind of education they have can often shape the rest of their lives. For many parents and children alike, college is the next natural progression after graduating high school (although of course there are other schemes on offer too). Unlike regular school, college is a big step up in the sense that your young adult will start to live independently of you for the first time in their lives.

With no parent hovering at their shoulder, they will have to motivate themselves to keep on top of all their work, push themselves for extra credit and join the sports or arts societies.Those first few weeks at college can be a tumultuous time for both parent and child – some may feel overwhelmed by it all, which is easy to understand given the average college environment. But there are certain things you can do to ensure that both parties cope the best they can. Here are some of the other things you may need to do before they start their first semester.

Get yourself a smartphone

Chances are that your teenager already has a smartphone – after all, nearly every young person does! So what is the reason behind why YOU need one too? Even if you have typically been averse to owning a smartphone, for all their sins they can be really helpful when it comes to staying in touch with loved ones. Instant messaging services such as Whatsapp and video calling software like FaceTime and Skype are the easiest and cheapest way to keep in touch with your child while they are at college. Plus, as they get into the swing of college life, they are going to be very busy – so busy in fact that writing letters or emailing probably isn’t at the top of their to-do lists. They will, however, have their cell phone on them at all times – so it really is the best way to keep in touch with them.

Pack what you need

Over packing is a common trait among both parents and children when it comes to college Unless your child is moving hundreds and hundreds of miles away, they will probably be becoming home fairly frequently – at least at the end of every semester, and maybe once or twice in between. By taking all their possessions to college with them, they will only have to bring it back with them again when they return. This could obviously have you asking yourself ‘how much do movers cost?‘. If you can afford to do so, consider buying doubles of the important things your child needs so they can have their comforts both at home and at school.

Coping yourself

Somewhat surprisingly, parents often fare the worse when it comes to those first few weeks of college! Even though your child may be having a whale of a time, you may find yourself constantly fretting and fighting the urge to text them 24/7. While it is important to be in touch, you also need to leave them to it to a certain extent, as this will give them the opportunity to make friends. Keep yourself busy with work and friends for those first few weeks and the time will fly by – you’ll soon be used to it.

Staff Writer; Sherry Harris

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